Top managers of Rosnano are suspected of embezzlement

Companions of Anatoly Chubais became defendants in a criminal case.
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The state corporations argue that they acted strictly in accordance with the law.

Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Board of the state corporation "RUSNANO" involved as suspects in the framework of the criminal case under Part. 4 Art. 160 ( "embezzlement") and h. 3 tbsp. 285 ( "Abuse of power") of the Criminal Code. Information about the prosecution of "Rosnano" employees contained in the letter First Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman directed to the State Duma first deputy chairman of the Budget and Tax Committee Oksana Dmitrieva (there are at the disposal of "Izvestia"). In that case, if the case goes to court, the defendants could face up to 10 years in prison.

Specific names Buksman in the letter does not name, but points out that, in particular, we are talking about the unlawful transfer of more than 300 million rubles in favor of a number of companies, "affiliated with the officials of" Rosnano "for the performance of work directly related to the competence units corporations." As an example, he cites the JSC "IFC & laquo; Alemar ". The same company has already figured in the report of the Accounting Chamber. Auditors also noted that the corporation "permitted related party transactions, which are a direct nature (within the framework of treaties endorsed by governments), and indirect." In particular, "Alemar" member of the board of directors has been the president of "Rosnano" Leonid Malamed (in 2008 he was replaced by Anatoly Chubais). "Under the contract of investment and financial corporation" Alemar "provides corporations adviser services in considering projects. In particular, the company was carried out express analysis of the 21 projects, some of which "Rosnano" funded. According to the mentioned contract expenses "Rosnano" amounted to 228.26 million rubles, "- shared the auditors.

In "Rosnano" suspects names are not named, but said they did not agree with the findings of the investigators.

- The position of the corporation is in the fact that officials of the company in respect of which the law enforcement agencies had suspicions about the illegality of the conclusion of several contracts for given aie advisory services acted strictly in accordance with the current legislation - said "News" the official representative of the state corporation.

Earlier, the deputy Oksana Dmitrieva sent a request to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to investigate thoroughly the activities of state-owned corporation, took him under his personal control. According to her calculations, the corporation has at least a dozen offenses. Anatoly Chubais said that this is only "PR" deputy.

As follows from the answer of Alexander Buksman, the number of criminal cases filed after the appeal of the deputy doubled. Previously state-owned corporation has announced three criminal cases that have been brought against companies in which it has invested, now six criminal cases, as well as the defendants involved top executives of the corporation. About the same number of establishments have criminal cases and said Anatoly Chubais himself in a recent interview with Itar-Tass.

In particular, he writes Buksman, a criminal case under Art. 193 of the Criminal Code ( "Evasion of responsibilities for the repatriation DeneGOVERNMENTAL funds "), provides for imprisonment up to 5 years, upon the withdrawal of the JSC" Microbor Nanotech "(according to SPARK, is 49% owned by" Rosnano ")" abroad totaling 65 million rubles allocated for the development of the nanotechnology industry in the Russian Federation, and the rejection of measures to return them. " As indicated on the website "RUSNANO", the project budget was 1.2 billion rubles, and for the money the company had to establish "production of a new generation of composite materials."

In addition, he writes Buksman, the Resolution of the General Prosecutor's Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee conducted investigation verification "in connection with the theft of funds at a rate of more than 27 million rubles allocated LLC" Unicom "(according to SPARK, is 35% owned by" Rosnano ") and using the guidance of the latter to meet personal needs. " As the site says, "Rosnano", the total budget of the project amounted to 1.85 billion rubles, and the company had to set up production of nanotech "silent asphalt" from used tires. Currently vremja company is in bankruptcy proceedings.

"In criminal cases, investigations are made, clarifies the circumstances of the commission of criminal acts, the circle of persons who have committed them, as well as the size of the damage - promises Buksman. - The results of investigation of criminal cases and the designated inspections supervised by the General Prosecutor's Office. "

In the State Duma believe that this is not the last criminal case.

- It is positive that the number of criminal cases were instituted after the deputy's request and intervention of the prosecutor's office - said Oksana Dmitrieva. - I think that as the investigation, we can expect a further increase in criminal cases. But it is unclear why the light of current claims Chubais still manages state corporation? I believe that unless the government's decision, then he should be removed from the leadership, so as not to interfere with the investigation.

However, lawyers believe the institution of proceedings does not prove the guilt of the CEO.

- The fact of not criminal institution says that the case is over the court, - says the main jurisExpert Center Artem Nikolaev. - There is still a long investigation by law enforcement agencies and special services of Russia, and possibly other countries as well as with the assistance of Interpol. So we can say that everything is just beginning.