Proton accident is attributed to negligence

The Russian Investigative Committee accused Khrunichev Center supervisor of not noticing an error when installing the angular velocity sensors.
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Almost 2 years after the accident at the cosmodrome "Baikonur" carrier rocket "Proton-M" with three satellites on board, which resulted in the state suffered damage of 4.4 billion rubles, the beginning of the investigation file charges involved in the case. They were employees of the capital of the Khrunichev Center, where the rocket was made: Prokhorov collectors Eugene and Denis Grishin, as well as master controller Diana Gudkov. March 10 Diana Gudkovoj charged under Art. 216 of the Criminal Code ( "Violation of safety regulations for work"). Investigators believe that due to the negligence she missed marriage. The very Gudkov fault categorically does not recognize and said that at that time devices were installed correctly, as it has made an entry in the acceptance log. Previously, the quality of missiles at Khrunichev has checked and military acceptance, but at the time of assembly crashed "Proton-M" is, according to the protection Gudkov was abolished.

One and a half year investigation into a criminal case under Art. 216 of the Criminal Code ( "Violation of safety regulations for work") to ascertain the reasons for the collapse in the summer of 2013. "BaykonUr "carrier rocket" Proton-M "with three navigation satellites" Glonass-M "and determined the circle of potential perpetrators.

Gosexpertiza series found that the cause of the accident was a contingency operation three angular rate sensors. This has led to the fact that the missile control system receives data on its incorrect orientation in space. As it turned out, in the assembly of the rocket in November 2011 sensors have been installed incorrectly - they turned 180 degrees.

Sami sensors are manufactured in Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific-Production Center of Automatics and Instrument Engineering named after Academician NA Pilyugina "(FSUE SPC AP) but are set to rocket-space plant, which is part of the capital's Khrunichev. As it turned out, the installation of the sensors have been implicated collectors Eugene and Denis Prokhorov, Grishin, and master controller Diana Gudkov.

- Sensors are on platforms in special grooves, so that they can be installed in only one position. However, if you apply a force, the sensor can drive into the groove and the top down - told "Izvestiya & raquo; a law enforcement source - Under the microscope it is seen that some regular places have dents from the sensors to the power of hard-boiled.

The investigation began to bring formal charges involved in the case under Art. 216 of the Criminal Code. This article is not a heavy and at worst threatening them with punishment up to 3 years of imprisonment. Diana became the first accused Gudkov. According to investigators, she had to control the accuracy of the sensors, but overlooked marriage. Sama master guilt categorically recognizes and believes that wounded her professional honor.

- Gudkov 30 years working at the plant and the controller has an impeccable professional reputation - told "Izvestia" lawyer Alex Hill. - The fault does not recognize it when it took the work of collectors, sensors have been installed correctly, as it has made the appropriate entry in the log.

Diana Gudkov explained to investigators that the company previously operated a dual control system - even after the equipment checked and the so-called military acceptance. However, at the time of production "roton "it was reduced by the order of then-Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. In addition to reducing the level of control it has led to an increased load on the staff of the enterprise.

- Previously, control was a two-step, and then save it radium simplified - said Alexey Kurganov. - The load on the people has increased significantly. My client actually was the only one who had to inspect all components and assemblies.

Representatives of the Russian Federal Space Agency and the Khrunichev declined to comment on "News" the situation surrounding this criminal case.

Recall that the "Proton-M" with three devices "Glonass-M" was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome July 2, 2013 at 06.38 MSK. However, almost immediately after separation from the launch pad rocket sharply deviated from the flight path, began to disintegrate in the air after the explosion and fell not far from the launch site.

Rockets and satellites were not insured, so the budget was damaged in the 4.4 billion rubles. Kazakhstan assessed the damage from the accident in 13.6 billion tenge (about $ 76 million). Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in August announced vygoop chapter Roscosmos Vladimir Popovkin for improper fulfillment of their duties, and on October 10, he was dismissed from his post. Popovkin went to the crash site, "Proton", where couples heptyl poisoned and sick. June 18, 2014 he died.

Roscosmos conducted its own investigation - worked out the technical version, as well as the human factor. By accident could result in equipment failure cosmodrome, the problem with the "Proton" system management, incorrect installation of angular rate sensors, their incorrect connection, the failure of the propulsion system of the first stage of the pipeline burnout oxidant.

On July 18, the chairman of the emergency committee, deputy head of Russian Federal Space Agency Alexander Lopatin announced the official cause of the fall of "Proton-M". The report was also sent to the first deputy prosecutor general of Russia Alexander Buksmanu.

It became the main technical version. Experts have found abnormal operation three angular rate sensors. "On the docking surfaces of three of the six units are characteristic traces of power impact,similar to the following that appeared after the experiment by contingency installing devices ", - stated in the report. Indirect experts blame laid on the development of technical regulations - "used techniques and methods of control during ground training and testing on the current design, technological and operational documentation did not reveal the improper installation of sensors on the rocket."

The Commission found no violations in the process of preparing and launching missiles, fuel quality consistent with normal meteorological data during the launch were also favorable. However, the rocket launch itself took 0.4 seconds earlier than planned, however, to identify the cause of this committee did not succeed.