Vladimir Putin has not been seen in public since the end of last week

Vladimir Putin has not appeared in public since 6 March. Since then, the Kremlin website reported on the meetings which had been held before the weekend retroactively. The Kremlin insists that the president is healthy.
Origin source
Last time President Vladimir Putin appeared before reporters on March 5 - the day the head of state met with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. After that Putin had only one public meeting at which he could see not only the officials: According to a posting on the website of the Kremlin, dated 8 March, on the occasion, the president met with women whose children have achieved outstanding success in various fields, and congratulated them on holiday. But in fact, this event has been recorded in advance a personal statement the head of state - a further 5 March told RBC one of the participants. According to him, the president made a good impression on the women came, but looked tired.

on March 6 and in the following days, Putin spent only non-public meetings, which were attended by government officials, and the press is not invited. According to the website of the Kremlin, in the first day, the President held a Security Council meeting, and then talked to the ministers of finance and defense, Anton Siluanov and Sergei Shoigu, and in the evening held a bilateral meeting with the head of Vnesheconombank Vladimir Dmitriev.
March 10, approved at the Kremlin website, Putin met with Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area Dmitry Kobylkin. The meeting was also closed to the press. Two RBC source close to the Kremlin, said that in this day Kobylkin did not come to the Kremlin. But the press service Kobylkin deny this information.

March 11 President's press office released information about the head of state met with the governor of Karelia Alexander Hudilaynenom. But business online newspaper "News of Karelia» More March 5 reported that "Vladimir Putin meets with Alexander Hudilaynenom" and it was not raised the issue of early elections of governors. A source close to the governor himself, told RBC that the meeting with Hudilaynenom the plan was to be held March 4th. The press service of the head region, declined to comment.

Presidential press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, told RBC insisted that the meeting with the governors of the two took place in the days specified on the Kremlin website. And in clarifying the question of meeting with women, dated March 8, he said that it took nakathe Moon festival.

Reporting a conversation with Hudilaynenom was published shortly after the Reuters news agency, citing a source in the government of Kazakhstan has informed that the meeting in Astana, the presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, it was planned for March 12-13, will not take place. "The visit is canceled, it seems that Putin is ill" - led agency words of his source.

About any possible illnesses reported before Putin

Putin's health is discussed in the media in the autumn of 2012. First it told Reuters 26 October: As explained by three of its source in the government, the president has hurt the spine and the operation threaten him. One of them allegedly saw the head of state in an orthopedic corset. interlocutor of the agency argued that because of back problems, Putin cancels foreign trips. The same day, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the need for surgery, but said that the president's apparent lameness due to the fact that "in the course of training, he pulled a muscle" and is now experiencing "pain."

November 1, 2012two "Vedomosti" a source close to the Kremlin, told the newspaper that after Putin's flight with Siberian Cranes had aggravated an old back injury. The President was supposedly advised to abandon the flight, to avoid strain on the spine. Work Putin in Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow and travel cancellation Sands at the same time explained that the president does not want to "worsen the already deplorable traffic situation in Moscow." "As soon as the activities associated with the ceremony, with the protocol order and so on, Putin appears in the Kremlin", - he assured in an interview with radio station "Kommersant-FM».

About Putin's health problems and said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. November 27, 2012 in an interview with Reuters, he said: "I know that he has a problem. He loves judo. He picked up the guy made a throw and turned the spine. " Sands did not comment on the statement of the Belarusian leader.

The first foreign trip since the advent reports malaise Putin made only two months - 3 December 2012 in Turkey. Then the media pointed out that in the course of negotiations in Istanbul tUretski Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan helped Russian colleague to sit in a chair. Healthy man hard to make excuses for his non-existent disease, said ahead of the visit Peskov, answering the question of radio station "Kommersant-FM», why the president does not want to talk personally about his health.

Putin spoke about his health only to 20 December 2012. During the big press conference, he said that the talk about his illness "profitable [distribute] political opponents who are trying to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the operation of power." "On the issue of health can answer traditionally not live to see" - summed up the president.

Sands initially refused to comment on RBC this information, but in the evening told the news agency Bloomberg, that Putin is absolutely healthy.

Meeting with the leaders of Belarus and Kazakhstan is not canceled, but postponed, according to other federal official. According to him, it will be held in March, as soon as all three presidents coordinate their plans.

When Putin now appears in public, it is not known. On March 12 the head of the sovereignTwa was scheduled to participate in the board of the FSB, but the president is unlikely to come, said the source close to the Kremlin, and confirms the federal official. March 17 will be attended by the President at the meeting of the organizing committee "Victory" at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, while it is planned that the head of state will be there, says one of the interlocutors RBC.

Cancel prepared visits of the first persons is quite rare, says former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Turkey and Israel Pyotr Stegny. According to him, the reasons may be very different: you can transfer the visit because of the more important events, personal circumstances, may not be ready documents, but hardly causes are political in nature, he said.