Gudkov outbid the Russian businessman upon purchase of a house in London

Ex-deputy buys luxury apartments in the UK capital worth about 220 million rubles.
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According to "Izvestia", the former State Duma deputy Gennady Gudkov and his family can move to London. Deprived of the mandate in 2012, Gudkov and his wife acquired a luxury apartment in one of the most prestigious areas of the British capital. The purchase price - around £ 2.5 million (more than 220 million rubles). Gudkov said "Izvestia" that actually buys a house in the UK, but says it is a business project.

Gennady Gudkov will live close to Buckingham Palace and the headquarters of the secret intelligence service of Her Majesty (MI6). It is about Cleland house - the first stage of Abell & Cleland luxury residential complex. It builds Berkley company - one of the leading developers of elite real estate in London. According to "Izvestia", the apartment is made to the spouse Gudkov - Mary. How to tell the sources realty company, which sells apartments in Cleland house, to buy luxury apartments offer Gudkov killed one of Russian businessmen.

- They raised the price tag to take this particular apartment. In fact we overpaid for it. But apapartment really chic: 137 sqm. m, a spacious living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and walk-in closets. Layout - exclusive - told the realtor company.

The residential complex is situated in Westminster, in central London - just a short walk from the Houses of Parliament, Downing Street and St. James Park. Also nearby Buckingham Palace. It offers living - a helipad on the south shore in Battersea. Around the residential complex there are small houses in a traditional English style, which belong to the architectural heritage of London and can not be demolished or undergo reconstruction. It is the most expensive and prestigious area of ​​the city, realtors say.

Two separate buildings are provided in Cleland house, each private garden. Future tenants will be provided with all the comforts of an elite class: the butler, swimming pool, fitness center, SPA-center, equipped meeting room and underground parking.

The project is now in the final stage. Readiness is estimated at 80%, the commissioning is scheduled for 2016. For more todayGUSTs apartments (there are only 275 in the house) are already sold out. Berkley have left on sale for about 10 apartments. The average price for an apartment is £ 2 million.

In the case of moving to London Gudkov quite able to wave to the English fellow scouts (Gudkov - ex-KGB officer, Colonel retired FSB) - the building of the secret intelligence services of Her Majesty is just in front of his window.

As the head of the Blackwood real estate company representative in London Anastasia Dubik, is one of the best projects, which is located in the center of the British capital, offering so-called "golden address" of London.

- The project is also a high investment attractiveness, since in this area there is a steady rise in prices - says Dubik.

Gennady Gudkov confirmed the "Izvestia" that really gets an apartment. According to him, he buys a house for 200 million rubles for the "crumbs" left over after the loss of his security business, and loan funds for wages.

- Moves not going and intend to profitably sell an apartment. This is a business and investment for the purpose of wage levelthief money. I do not do the same thing, that the various members who had property abroad. My business is destroyed in revenge for my support of the opposition, and participation in the protest movement. Since I am not allowed to do business here, and income in Russia is almost gone, I have to legally earned money, declared by the tax office, as well as the wife's money, which were in 2014 sent abroad with the official opening of the account, to invest in the project in London to earn. This is not the only project, and I plan to develop it any further. I do not give power to earn income within the country. my family's losses amounted to tens of millions of dollars, and managed to save only the crumbs to us for this project will have to take a loan at the bank, which we have already agreed, and it is about 40% of the total cost, - said Gudkov.

Recall that the Duma has deprived Gudkov's mandate in September 2012. According to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office, as a parliamentarian, he continued to engage in entrepreneurial activity. As a result of the State Duma commission for the control of authenticityinformation about income and property of Deputies, having examined the materials of the Investigative Committee of entrepreneurial activity "SR", agreed that they have enough information about what Gudkov not complied with the restrictions and prohibitions stipulated by the federal law on the status of a member of the Federation Council and State Duma deputy.

Then Gudkov said that actually lost its main asset - the security company "Oskord". According to media reports, the business was estimated at 500 million rubles. Earlier (in May 2012), licensing and permitting service of Moscow police conducted an audit of weapons storage conditions in the PSA "Pantan" (included in "Oskord"). Numerous violations were identified, which were the basis for the deprivation of the enterprise license for the weapon. Branches "Oskord" were closed across the country.

As a result, Gudkov handed "Oskord" his subordinate - Vladimir Melikov. Moreover, according to Gudkov, he did not take a penny from him. ex-MP said after the transfer of the asset that is going to give up business projects, focusing on social activities. Oneto then, apparently, changed the intent. According to the register, he is now with his wife Maria Gudkovoj belongs Ltd. "Kolomna builder", as he personally owns OOO "Roshan", which is engaged in real estate transactions. Net profit of "Roshan" in the past year amounted to little more than a million rubles, and revenue - about 8 million.

Such profits from the business did not fit in with the cost in the hundreds of millions of rubles for the purchase of housing in the UK.

Member of the State Duma's Budget and Taxes Committee Evgeny Fedorov believes that the elite real estate Gennady Gudkov gains in connection with a significant increase in "salary" paid by the West opposition.

- He's just out of the "fifth column", and there are well paid. Since its the headquarters in London and Washington, he goes there "on the job", and real estate, respectively, buys the "salaries". It is worth remembering that the opposition funding allocated up to $ 5 billion a year on average. Today, Americans have increased their financing repeatedly. Of course, more or less visiblefigures received a sharp increase in "salaries" and Gudkov - a noticeable figure, - said Fedorov.

The MP also noted that, in his opinion, the West is still counting on a coup in Russia Kyiv script and plans to bring to power of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who can offer good post Gudkov.

Strategic Communications Center President Dmitry Abzalov suggested that Gennady Gudkov sees the UK as an alternate airfield, and doubts that the purchase is an investment character.

- It protects, trying to buy exclusively as a business format. I do not see the economic sense - now on the real estate market of Great Britain, especially in the business segment, the situation is very complicated. I think this is the alternate airport, which masquerades as a business project - said Abzalov.

He also believes that the purchase of real estate in London actually puts an end to Gudkov like opposition politicians.

- Target audience is very sensitive to external factors. Any connection with the West, especially in predvybpolar period, will be perceived negatively. One situation where a person had an apartment abroad and now he's trying to sell it. It's quite another when he decides to buy after how the political situation is so complicated. It is assumed that if a person is involved in politics, it should be firmly enough to treat yourself - added Abzalov.

And with this purchase, in his opinion, Gennady Gudkov discredits not only itself, but also of his son Dmitri, who continues to be a deputy of the State Duma.

- Despite the fact that Gudkov, Jr. is not covered by our anti-corruption legislation, as it is an adult son with the ethical side of the issue is very interesting, - says Dmitry Abzalov. - For example, if the son can make an objective decision about the foreign policy of Great Britain, when the father has an apartment in this country?