MPs asked to remove Ukrainian singers from Russian TV channels

Representatives of the Communist Party offered to make a black list of artists from Ukraine.
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In response to Kiev's intention to declare the 500 Russian artists persona non grata, the Communists propose to apply retaliatory sanctions against Ukrainian performers. The State Duma, the deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Valery Rashkin and secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Sergei Obukhov, told "Izvestia", that recently they received a large number of complaints from disgruntled Russian viewers, so they are placed on the party share "People's Initiative" vote to the proposal to make black a list of Ukrainian musical performers rotate clips which offer a ban on Russian TV channels (text of the letter is at the disposal of "Izvestia"). The reason for this proposal was the incorrect behavior of some Ukrainian artists who openly promote loyalty to the Kiev authorities.

"Musicians and other artists such as Russia and Ukraine Makarevich, Noize-MC, Ruslana and similar maintain essentially punitive operation of the Kiev junta in Donbas. Do they make it for ideological reasons or because of money - the same crime in relation to theENGLISH civilization and the Russian people, - stated in the appeal of deputies. - Solve the problem can only be forbidden to invite these artists, or at least recommend to the organizers of major competitions, concerts and other events to prevent the participation of those artists who directly or indirectly support the punitive operation of the Kiev junta in Donbas. "

Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Sergei Obukhov said that such issues should be solved not by deputies and officials, and by a vote of Russians.

- Therefore, in this case, we only respond to the appropriate public inquiry. On our resource the party "People's Initiative" Internet users have already put forward a proposal to prohibit the performance of Russian artists in supporting the punitive operation of the Kiev junta in Donbas. Because these issues are beyond the competence of the legislature, we redirected the initiative of the organizers of mass events in Russia - let take a decision on the conscience and guided by the opinion and sentiments of Russian spectators, - he explained.

Committee memberState Duma's constitutional legislation and state construction, the head of the Central Committee of the Legal Service of the Communist Party Vadim Solovyov also supported the initiative, citing the need to respond to the attacks of the Ukrainian side.

- If the illegal government of Ukraine today is immersed in such obscurantism that prohibits Russian performers act in Ukraine, we have to take adequate measures. So I think it's the right initiative and we have to respond blow for blow, - he says.

People elect believes that "put them in their place" only responses. While their absence would lead to stimulation of Ukrainian rudeness.

- If you put them in implementing an adequate situation, then I think it will accelerate the establishment of relations between Russia and Ukraine. That is, they finally realize that the actions of the cave they uplift themselves in the first place, - he explained the deputy in the comments to "Izvestia". - So this is the right initiative. We must firmly respond to any combat and sanctions against our Stras, - said Solovyov.

Different opinion President of AMEDIA Alexander Akopov.

- Do not want to deepen the existing tensions and so so funny occasion. I remember the children's anecdote: a little boy resorts to his mother and she complains about the fact that his current transformer hit. Mom replies: "Well, do not beat him, whether it smarter," - he said.

According to the expert, it is not necessary to respond to the initiative of the Ukrainian authorities, as the issue stage is not as important as, for example, support domestic agricultural producers.

- You are good as a mosquito? Also they bite? - Rhetorically he added Akopov.

Interestingly, in July, popular among the youth of our country Ukrainian actor Ivan Dorn at the festival "New Wave" in Jurmala took to the stage in a T-shirt with the Ukrainian trident, also received his musicians.

Anastasia Prikhodko from Kiev, ranked in the world of show business thanks to the Russian show "Star Factory" and a few years ago to represent Russia at the contest "Eurovision", together with other Ukrainianspolnitelyami supports Ukrainian military personnel involved in the operation against the militias in the east. The leader of the popular band "Screams Vidopliassova" Oleg Skripka at all became an adviser to the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko.

The leader of another Ukrainian group "Boombox" Andrey Khlyvnyuk this spring is not restrained in expression, speaking in support of the Maidan and against the invasion of the Crimea. In his video message, then he said that it is the same "extremist", as well as those who are standing on the Maidan. In addition, euromaidan backed leader "Liapis Trubetskoy" Sergei Mikhalyuk. tour of "Okean Elzy" also this year in the spring in Russia were canceled. Then the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Vitaly Milon accused the group "contemptuous and consumer attitude towards Russia."

"Leader of" Ocean Elzy "Svyatoslav Vakarchuk no secret of his nationalist views, like Ukrainian collaborators during World War II, opposes the introduction in Ukraine of the Russian language as the second state", - he wroteItaly Milon in an open letter to Vladimir Medina Minister of Culture of Russia to ban collective concerts in Russia.

Among the others who supported the action that took place on the Maidan, was the ex-member of the group "VIA Gra" Anna Sedakov and Vera Brezhnev. Another shocking Ukrainian duo Potap and Nastya Kamensky of political events try to stay apart, but at the last press conference, said that they are working for the benefit of Ukraine and will continue to praise it. The well-known singer Sofia Rotaru, despite the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, has refused Russian citizenship. For further stay in the Crimea, it will issue a certificate of residence. Another actress Natasha Queen, who for many years lived in Moscow, helped activists Maidan food and medicines.

The response to the initiative of the Ukrainian party supported the journalist and music critic, radio host and showman Sergei neighbors.

- Artists have always been ferrymen which connected different nations friendship and love. Block concerts - this is political stupidity and bizorukost, - he says.

Sosedov noted that due to the persecution in Ukraine a few artists have already left its territory. In particular, well-known in Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine Taisia ​​Povaliy.

- This is the response. They prohibit and we prohibit. These sanctions, and we are. And what we have to keep quiet and cheeks to expose to us thrashed, bashed? I believe that we have to be even tougher to answer to them was worse - said the expert on the initiative of Russian lawmakers.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian side intends to do much more rigid with respect to the Russian artists. Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko said that Ukraine will be denied entry to five hundred Russian cultural figures. Later this baton and the Ministry of Culture took over the country, which proposed a ban on entry of only 14 Russian artists. Figurants blacklist were chosen from 511 who signed the letter in support of President Vladimir Putin's policies. The Ukrainian media space embraced the proposal positively, Allen Brain producer sharply stated that the border with Possiey had long been closed.

- What is coming to us, with very few exceptions, it is not a culture, it is a cheap consumer goods - do not mince words, she said. - I support the sanctions and I want to live up to the time when erected a large wall and tightly closed border.