Karimov clan was excommunicated from power in Uzbekistan

The youngest daughter of President Karimov, Lola, is suspected of misinformation about the country's leader's death.
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Despite the fact that, according to "Izvestia", the state of Uzbek President Islam Karimov is extremely difficult, the country is actively gaining momentum struggle for power. The most likely candidate for the post of head of state is the current Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyayev. At the same clan Karimov is likely to be suspended from participation in political life. This "News" said a source close to the Uzbek government circles.

- Islam Karimov is connected to an artificial life-support, but most likely, it is a matter of a few days. In the case of the death of the president of his family to power in the country will not allow. One daughter Karimov - Gulnara - is under house arrest in London, the other - Loulé - do not allow to obtain any government security forces. The most likely candidate for the post of president of Uzbekistan is now the Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyayev as his support both within the country and abroad - said the source.

Also, according to "News" interlocutor in the power circles of the country today, there is an opinion,that took place in the media about the death of Islam Karimov on August 29 has been extended by his daughter Lola. What it could be done, a senior source did not elaborate.

Meanwhile, as stated by "Izvestia", Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Oleg Pakholkov in Russia hope for the future president's ability to maintain stability in Uzbekistan and will be closely watched, which receive the vector foreign policy of Tashkent.

- All power in Uzbekistan has long been concentrated in the same hands. The process of its transmission will be very painful. How will the new leader, is difficult to say, despite the fact that he is a member of the team Karimov. Some conclusions can be made on the first statements of the future president and his foreign visits. At the same time, you can expect a drastic change of elites in Uzbekistan. In any case, I want to believe that the next president would be able to maintain stability in the country and to prevent thawing a number of conflicts with neighbors — said Oleg Pakholkov.

At the moment, about the health of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov received a rather contradictory information. It was his daughter Lola reported on August 29 that two days earlier the president has been hospitalized with a stroke.

"For reasons of brain hemorrhage, which happened on Saturday morning, he was hospitalized and is in the intensive care unit," - Lola Karimova wrote on his page on Instagram (stylistics and punctuation preserved the author).

According to available information, Karimov became ill at a banquet in honor of the national Olympic team, which took place in the night of August 27th. We also know that at midnight he talked with the head of his administration Zelimkhan Khaidarov, shortly thereafter lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital. Official information about the state of the Uzbek president's health have not yet been reported. Karimov has held the post since 1991.

As told "Izvestia" Director General of the Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev, a change of power in Uzbekistan is unlikely to impact negatively onelations between Moscow and Tashkent - at least because of the cooperation and to not bore too close character.

- Uzbekistan is not targeted at Russia, but not against it. He tries to keep his distance. And the development of relations depends on the specific situation. At one time in Tashkent was a conflict with the US, and then the Uzbek leadership downright curry favor with Moscow. But as time passed, and the relationship has become much cooler. For Uzbekistan, the most important problems of cooperation with its neighbors, as well as with China. It affects the interaction in the sphere of economy. The potential of our countries is enormous, but in fact trade is not so great, - said Dmitry Zhuravlev.

With regard to the development of the situation in Uzbekistan and the possible aggravation of long-standing conflicts with neighbors, then, according to the expert, everything will depend on the new president. If you succeed to the rigid arm to keep the country from chaos, and the countries that have territorial claims to Tashkent, will not be active.