Mayor of Nizhny Novgorod is accused of disguising a luxurious country villa as an ultramodern cow barn

Loser recent Court of Nizhny Novgorod governor Oleg Sorokin Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov struck back: Sorokin is now accused of misuse of land.

Mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, Oleg Sorokin, on which last year soared threat of resignation in the light of corruption scandals and declassified possessions in France, not only retained his post, but also seems to have successfully adapted to the new political and economic realities.

As he writes on his blog Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov, Sorokin, along with two companions designed to the ownership of 15.7 hectares of agricultural land in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the vicinity of the village Rumstiha. But the problem is that the available properties in this area appears, judging by the pictures from the sky, too luxurious.

"They say the barn contains the milking parlor and reproductive department, which are connected by a gallery. Boxes, apparently placed in the paired three-row sections aft table in the middle. The manure of runs removed via copter, which built a modern helipad" - ironically opposition .

Gudkov recalls that, according to the Land Code of the Russian Federation in the case of agricultural land not desigAchen owner subject to administrative liability and undertakes to remedy all violations. Thus, the buildings, looking like holiday villas have either demolish or convert in real stables or barns. Otherwise, the state can deprive the owner of the rights to the land, said Gudkov. Deputy public prosecutor sent a letter to the Nizhny Novgorod region with a request to investigate the situation.

Recall that in late October Gudkov Sorokin lost the court , which, among other things, accused of bribing voters. The MP should refute in his "Live Journal" common to them earlier about the mayor, who is the deputy claimed "openly bought votes of deputies" at the election of the head of the city in 2010. Gudkov said that Sorokin spent on it up to 50 million rubles.

Stone in the mayor's land
Russian planet, 12/11/2014

The blog of the State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov today poyaviloss appeal to the Prosecutor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, where the deputy requested a probe into the misuse of the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod Oleg Sorokin 15.7 hectares of agricultural land.

Gudkov says that the mayor and his two companions belong to the ownership of land in Nizhny Novgorod region, which is located house and several outbuildings. According to the MP, the construction of such a facility in the territory is an administrative offense, the consequences of which need to be addressed, namely - to demolish all these buildings. Refers the author appeals to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, which, according to him, requires use of agricultural land only to the production, storage and processing of products.

A lawyer for the land law Eugene Mamaev expert believes that the situation can not be interpreted unambiguously. The law prohibits the use of agricultural land for the conduct of any other activity, but does not exclude the posserection of dwelling on a certain part of the territory:

- It makes sense to talk about zoning, - he told the "Russian world" Mamayev. - Only a certain area of ​​such land can be used for any capital construction, but there are plenty of ways to arrange the living room in the agricultural area is completely legal. Simply put, if you are engaged in agriculture, it is still you have to live somewhere, and even as a vacation. I think that if the site actually belongs to Oleg Sorokin, then everything is executed correctly. In addition, there is the Federal Law "On the Turnover of Agricultural Land", which in certain cases can be interpreted in favor of the prosecution section of the builder, and in his defense. This question must address the prosecutor's office, going into all the nuances of the land use and documentation. I can only say what we have in a lot of houses built on agricultural lands. Including among the most common people.

In the city administra-tion believe that this record Dmitry Gudkov's blog - another attempt to provoke the mayor on any response.

- We have not even heard about it yet, and Oleg V. too busy to pay attention at all, - said the "Russian world" a spokesman for the mayor Elena Volisova. - Gudkov has already lost one court, and all the Nizhny Novgorod saw him wrong. What he is doing now - is an attempt to somehow take revenge, to hurt. Perhaps he is very sorry for the defeat in court.

The prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod region on the question of "Russian world" that this public appeal Dmitry Gudkov studied whether, to respond promptly refused and demanded a written request and promised to consider it during the week.