Galina Marchenko is asked to return from Austria

The lady-banker who exposed Dmitry Zakharchenko, they want to accuse of fraud.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs is looking for Galina Marchukova, the former financial director of Nota Bank, who was sentenced for embezzlement and then released from punishment. The investigation wants to indict her in the framework of the criminal case of embezzlement of 25 billion rubles from the bank. Its defendants are already six former owners and top managers of Nota Bank.

Galina Marchukova, according to Kommersant’s interlocutors, is now in Austria, in which she has a residence permit or citizenship. The Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not officially declared her wanted, hoping that the ex-banker herself will appear for investigative actions. Investigators of the Investigation Department (SD) are investigating a particularly large-scale criminal case of fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code) related to the issuance by the bank shortly before its collapse at the end of 2015 of loans to 66 delivered companies for a total amount of 25 billion rubles.

From this investigation, a criminal case of embezzlement of 350 million rubles was allocated in a separate proceeding. (Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in relation to Galina Marchukova, who, together with her sister Larisa and fortuneteller Nona Mihai, persuaded the General Director of Farmster Ivan Tarlykov to conclude a “lucrative contract” with the bank for the purchase of medical equipment from the Elite-project company controlled by him ". The management of "Pharmster" agreed, but the loan received for undelivered equipment went to the accounts of one-day. For this, the former financial director of Nota Bank was sentenced in a special order to three years and four months in prison. In the summer of this year, the court released the former banker from punishment, since she had left most of it under investigation and trial in the pre-trial detention center. In addition, it was taken into account that Mrs. Marchukova actively collaborated with the investigation. She said that the ex-colonel of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko warned her of the upcoming searches (this was the reason for accusing him of obstructing the administration of justice - Article 294 of the Criminal Code), and the co-owners of Nota Bank Dmitry and Vadim Erokhin stole 2.1 from his clients billion rubles The brothers, who were sentenced in March this year to eight and a half and six years in prison, respectively, were prosecuted for the theft of 25 billion rubles. Then the company was made up of them by the former chairman of the bank’s credit committee Timur Iskhakov, the head of the bank’s security service Alexei Kireev and adviser to the financial director Marchukova Andrey Simakov.

Galina Marchukova herself has not yet been charged. It is possible that because of this, the period of the preliminary investigation in the case of the deputy chief of the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General of Justice Alexander Krakovsky, was extended until March 2020.

Colonel Zakharchenko defended himself in Europe

As it became known to Kommersant, the European Court of Human Rights accepted the complaint of the former colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Political Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko about the actions of the Russian authorities. The latter, according to Zakharchenko, who is currently serving a term for corruption-related crimes, have deprived him of the right to a fair, and most importantly, urgent trial. The convict expects that, recognizing the violations, the ECtHR will award him compensation.