Colonel-billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko was robbed for the second time

It turned out that in the recount of 9 billion rubles seized from the criminal MVD colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, more than 200 million rubles (about 3 million euros) were lost. The investigation suspects employees of the Savings Bank.
Origin source
Investigators find out the circumstances of the disappearance of part of the money seized from the former employee of the Interior Ministry's anti-corruption department, Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. According to the source of RBC in law enforcement agencies, the pre-investigation check is conducted by the Main Investigation Department for Investigation of Especially Important Cases of the UK of Russia.

According to the source, on April 27, 2018, the representative of the UK handed over 44 boxes with cash to the head of the cash-settlement center Volgogradsky, PJSC Sberbank of Russia. In the period until May 2, 2018, the bank's employees were engaged in recounting bills using special equipment. In the process, there were discrepancies in the amount of cash. Now the investigators are interviewing the bank's employees.

In Sberbank this information was refused. "Sberbank does not comment on the operations of its customers. In this situation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is our client, we ask you to address your questions to them, "- said RBC in the press service of Sberbank.

"The money was immediately taken to the Federal Treasury," a source familiar with the course of the investigation told RBC. "In June-July last year, the money was placed in the FSB Institute for genetic testing. After the return they were immediately sent to the Treasury. After applying for state property, they had to stay in the treasury and get into the federal budget. Why they could be taken to Sberbank, I can hardly imagine, "- added the source of RBC.

As Interfax reported referring to the source, it is about the loss of about € 3 million. The interlocutor of the agency specified that the investigators will check the organizations and departments involved in the transportation of money, as well as under what conditions the money was transported and whether these conditions met the requirements security.

Dmitry Zakharchenko's lawyer Vladimir Gorbatenko told RBC that the information about the missing part of the money seized from the colonel is rumor. "We were not officially notified about anything, we received this information from unofficial sources and for now we consider it rumors," said the lawyer.

Gorbatenko stressed that if some of the money was still lost during the recount, then, "in essence, this is theft from the state."

Ex-employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zakharchenko in September 2016 was placed in custody. He is accused of several episodes of taking bribes and obstructing the administration of justice.

Zakharchenko and his relatives withdrew more than 8.5 billion rubles. In the apartment of the colonel were found € 2 million and more than $ 120 million in cash. The Colonel himself claimed that of the money he had seized from him, he owned less than 93 thousand rubles.

In December 2017, the court granted the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, according to which the cash and property of Zakharchenko himself, as well as his relatives, were turned into state revenue.

The money of Colonel Zakharchenko did not reach the budget
In theft, bankers and law enforcers are suspected
Kommersant, May 31, 2013

Yesterday it became known that the Investigative Committee of Russia (SCR) conducts a pre-investigation check on the theft of money seized from Colonel GUEBiPK Dmitry Zakharchenko. By decision of the Nikulinsky district court that satisfied the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Federal Treasury was to receive 374 million rubles, $ 140 million and € 2 million, but after the beginning of the enforcement proceedings it became clear that there was no confiscation in rubles and currency in the amount of about 120 million rubles. In theft, bankers, policemen and investigators are suspected. According to sources of Kommersant in law enforcement agencies, there were not enough money left in recounting the assets of the former Sakhalin governor Alexander Khoroshavin, converted into state revenue.

A pre-investigation check is carried out by the senior investigator for especially important cases under the chairman of the SCR, Konstantin Krivorotov, who previously dealt with the case of a terrorist attack on board a Russian plane in Egypt and a shootout on Moscow's Rochdelskaya Street. According to Kommersant's information, the proceedings began after the bailiffs opened an enforcement proceeding for the circulation of assets of Colonel Zakharchenko, members of his family and numerous friends to the state. According to the decision of the Nikulinsky District Court, which was "overpowered" by the Moscow City Court, the bailiffs were to transfer 374 million rubles, $ 140 million and € 2 million to the Federal Treasury for Moscow, $ 500 million to Gokhran, 500 grams of gold to the Gokhran, and 27 expensive real estate objects - apartments and car places, as well as two cars. The court decision is the basis for making changes in the records on the state registration of ownership of the above-mentioned real estate objects in the Unified State Real Estate Register.

However, when recounting assets it turned out that there is no large amount of cash. According to Kommersant sources, about 120 million rubles were lost from the apartment, which was registered with the sister of Colonel Irina Razgonova and turned into a bank vault. The money received as a result of the searches was initially sent to the building of the main investigation department (GUS) of the Moscow Military District in Moscow on Novy Arbat, where they were guarded in the assembly hall. Then, after recounting and compiling the accompanying documents, they were kept in a special storage facility, and after that, in 44 sealed boxes, they were sent to the cash-collection center "Volgogradsky" of Sberbank. There, money was recounted from April 27 to May 2 of this year before being sent to the Treasury. Investigator Krivorotov, according to the document available to Kommersant, asks the management of the credit institution to transfer to the TFR information on all employees involved in the recalculation, as well as ensure their appearance in the investigative authorities for interviews in the audit.

In the Savings Bank of the commentary refused, recommending with all questions to apply to the investigation. In it, the scandal is also not commented. Similar surveys, according to Kommersant, should be conducted by investigators and operatives of the FSB who participated in the searches and seizures of the case of Colonel Zakharchenko, as well as policemen who guarded the money in the GKRS of the TFR and delivered them to the storage facility, and the latter's employees. According to some reports, after polls they can be checked on a polygraph.

One of the participants in the proceedings, asking for information on where the seized money could go, replied: "Probably, the rats ate", hinting at possible involvement in the theft of law enforcement officers.

The lawyer of Colonel Zakharchenko (yesterday the Moscow City Court left him under arrest until August 8) Alexander Gorbatenko told Kommersant that he had heard about the loss of money, but the law enforcement agencies did not raise any protection about the incident. At the same time, the lawyer noted that, according to the defense, the confiscated funds did not belong to the accused Zakharchenko.

Sources "Kommersant" in law enforcement agencies argue that before appealing to the state's income did not reach and part of the cash seized from the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region, Alexander Khoroshavin, who received bribes for 13 years of imprisonment and a fine of 500 million rubles. Earlier it was reported that he had found 280 million rubles, $ 6 million, € 727 thousand, 388 thousand Swiss francs and £ 217 thousand. However, there was an investigation in this regard or not, it is not known.