Colonel-billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko drags out the investigation

A werewolf from the Russian Interior Ministry, who had seized more than $ 120 million in the apartment, was unable to understand the charges brought against him for extorting 800,000 dollars from restaurateur Mehdi Duss.
On Tuesday, the Presnensky Court of Moscow began considering one of the most resonant cases of recent times - against the former acting head of the "T" GUEBiPK department of the Russian Interior Ministry, police colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. All-Russian fame ex-policeman brought the results of searches in his case, during which a total of more than 9 billion rubles was seized in various currencies. However, Dmitry Zakharchenko got on trial for a charge with this unrelated money: he is charged with taking bribes - $ 800 thousand and a discount card from the owner of the restaurant network La Maree Mehdi Dussa, as well as obstruction of justice, which was that the colonel told representatives of the Note -bank about the coming searches.

In the dock, police colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko looked very optimistic. He cheerfully exchanged glances with his relatives who sat on the seats in the first row, and spoke with courtesy and benevolence to the presiding Elena Abramova.

The first meeting, on which the case was examined on the merits, did not spoil the events of journalists. The petition was filed only one - on the introduction of another lawyer (it was rejected), and then the prosecutor Milan Degayeva read out the indictment.

It follows from the document that Dmitry Zakharchenko, the Russian Investigative Committee, presented three criminal episodes, two of which were qualified as taking bribes in a particularly large amount (Part 6, Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and the third - as obstruction of the administration of justice (Part 3 of Article 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The prosecutor said that the first bribe of $ 800 thousand Dmitry Zakharchenko received from restaurateur Mehdi Dussa in the fall of 2014. Mediators in the receipt of money were made by Dmitri Zakharchenko's acquaintances - Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Aleksey Laushkin, who is witnessing the case, and is wanted by Colonel Dmitry Senin, FSB. As they say in the case, at the beginning of 2014, they initiated tax inspections, as well as a review of seafood imported by Mr. Duss in Russia, from the presentation of Dmitry Zakharchenko in the restaurant chain La Maree. No violations were found, however, Colonel Zakharchenko convinced the inspectors to indicate in the reports on the inconsistency of the quality of the imported fish, which threatened the restaurateur with serious financial losses.

Mehdi Duss, the prosecutor said, began to find out who was behind the inspections of his establishments, after which Dmitry Senin contacted him, who suggested on behalf of Dmitry Zakharchenko "solve the issue" for $ 5 million. The amount seemed excessive to the restaurateur, and during the bargaining he succeeded to bring it down to $ 800 thousand. According to the investigation, on September 23, 2014, the businessman gave money to the Chekist, and the latter - to Dmitry Zakharchenko.

But, the prosecutor noted, Dmitry Zakharchenko did not think so much, and in autumn 2015 he received a registered discount card from Mehdi Duss with a 50% discount for all orders in La Maree restaurants. Thanks to this map, the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs managed to save 3.04 million rubles per year.

The last episode of the case is connected with the inspection of OJSC Electrozavod, whose management was accused at one time of tax evasion. As part of this investigation, in February 2015, searches were to be carried out at Nota Bank, where the company had an account. Dmitry Zakharchenko, according to the materials of the case, having learned about the upcoming investigative actions in the credit institution, warned about them the financial director of Nota Bank Galina Marchukova, offering her to pass the dubious documents to the lawyer for preservation. The CFO did so, as a result of which the investigators "could not withdraw and evaluate all the evidence," as the state prosecutor put it. "

When the prosecutor completed her speech, the presiding judge asked the defendant if he understood the charge. "No, your honor," the policeman said. "It's unclear. By the next meeting, I and my lawyers will prepare a written position, and we will submit it. " The defendant also stated that the charge against him "is not based on the materials of the case and on the facts". "All this is speculation," said the colonel. "And I will prove to you that the evidence in the case does not correspond to the conclusions of the investigation."