Marchukova Galina


Galina Marchenko is asked to return from Austria


The lady-banker who exposed Dmitry Zakharchenko, they want to accuse of fraud.

Dmitry Zakharchenko spoke for six months


The billionaire policeman was reduced to a sentence.

Dmitry Zakharchenko said goodbye to freedom, billions and the rank of colonel


The court sentenced to 13 years in prison and a fine of 117 million rubles to Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who became widely known because of the 8.5 billion rubles found in him and his close friends. He was also deprived of the rank of police colonel.

Colonel-billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko drags out the investigation


A werewolf from the Russian Interior Ministry, who had seized more than $ 120 million in the apartment, was unable to understand the charges brought against him for extorting 800,000 dollars from restaurateur Mehdi Duss.