Dmitry Zakharchenko hid the castle in the UK

The investigation finds that Colonel Zakharchenko bought the castle in London while serving in the Ministry of the Interior.
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In the course of a search conducted on Wednesday by a civil wife of the former deputy head of the "T" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Dmitry Zakharchenko Marina Semynina, the investigators were looking for documents that the colonel owns real estate abroad, in particular a castle in London. This was reported by TASS source close to the investigation.

According to the investigation, Zakharchenko bought the castle in London while serving in the Russian police, the source said.

"Employees of the FSB during the search, in addition to foreign passports, also asked them to issue documents for foreign real estate owned by Zakharchenko, including the castle in London," the spokesman said.

Lawyer Alexander Karabanov, representing the interests of Semynina, denied that his client had such documents. "My trustee does not have any information and, especially, no real estate abroad." In addition, the money that she had taken away today was the only money left for life, "the lawyer said. Earlier, TASS reported with reference to Karabanov that during the search Semynina "had seized about € 2,000, medical documents of children, as well as phones and tablets."

On December 1, the Nikulinsky court fully satisfied the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation about the transfer of property and cash assets, seized from Zakharchenko, to the income of the state for a total of more than 9 billion rubles. As follows from the court decision, real estate and cars of the colonel and his relatives will be transferred to the capital administration of the Federal Property Management Agency, and almost 8 billion rubles in various currencies to the federal budget.

Colonel Zakharchenko was arrested on charges of bribery and abuse of authority. As stated in the court's decision, in January of last year he received information about the search at Nota Bank and warned Galina Marchukova about the upcoming investigative activities of the bank's financial director. Currently, he is accused of committing four episodes of bribery, abuse of office, as well as in obstructing the administration of justice and the production of a preliminary investigation.

Earlier, the source told TASS that in mid-January 2018 the investigators intend to file charges against Zakharchenko in the final version. The source explained that there are as yet no new accusations in the case, and episodes of crimes, which can already reach the court in the near future, were revealed during the preliminary investigation. Also, the source added that the investigation intends to exclude from the charge Zakharchenko one episode of receiving a bribe in the amount of 3.5 million rubles in the form of a discount card restaurant "La Mare".