Another contractor of the cosmodrome "Vostochny" turned out to be a fraud

Oleg Shchurov, head of OOO Stroimonolit-14, was arrested in Moscow.
Tverskoi District Court of Moscow arrested the owner and head of OOO Stroimonolit-14 Oleg Shchurov - one of the contractors Spetsstroy at the spaceport Vostochny. The Ministry of Internal Affairs accuses the businessman of fraud, and the customers of the works literally filled his company with suits.

Tverskoi court arrested Oleg Shchurov on May 3 for two months, having satisfied the relevant petition of the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The businessman is accused of fraud in a particularly large amount (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code). It is worth noting that the company Stroimonolit-14, which owned the arrested, was a contractor in the construction of the facilities of the cosmodrome Vostochny. According to some reports, it received orders related to the cosmodrome, worth about 656 million rubles.

At the same time, it should be noted that the deputy general director of the contractor was Sergei Mordovets, brother of the deputy of the abolished last year Spetsstroy of Russia Alexander Mordovets. When concluding contracts with Stroymonolit, organizations that are part of the Spetsstroy, acted as the customer of works, and LLC - their executor.

However, despite a large portfolio of orders, Stroimonolit-14 was declared bankrupt, the company introduced competitive management, and the quality of the work performed caused claims from customers who filed multi-million claims, and appealed to law enforcement agencies.

So, on January 26, 2017, the Arbitration Court of the Khabarovsk Territory satisfied the claim against the contractor from the FSUE "Main Directorate of Special Construction" Dalspetsstroy "for the amount of 299.5 million rubles.

The subject of the dispute was the agreement No. 10-ut / 15, concluded between the parties on June 15, 2015 - LLC performed "services for providing road-building equipment with maintenance personnel" to the objects of the Vostochny cosmodrome. However, their quality did not satisfy the customer, and the court sided with him, collecting debts of 222.5 million rubles from LLC Stroimonolit-14. and a fine of 76.9 million rubles. In the same year, the Arbitration Court of Moscow satisfied the suit against the company from FSUE "Spetsstroytehnologii". The claim was based on an agreement dated June 10, 2015, related to the construction and commissioning of a residential building in the closed city of Uglegorsk. The court recovered 53.6 million rubles from the contractor.

It is also worth noting that claims to Stroimonolit and its owner Oleg Shchurov were presented not only by the structures of the Spetsstroy, but also by banks. "Admiralteysky" (the license was withdrawn in 2015) conducted a long legal battle with the company, demanding repayment of a loan of 130 million rubles. And Mr. Shchurov acted as a personal guarantor for this loan.