Investbank top executives realized jail for three

The leadership of the bankrupt Investbank was arrested.
As it became known to Kommersant, the Tver District Court of Moscow sent former top managers of the Investbank Sergey Mendeleev, Sergey Zaitsev and Grigory Yusufov to the pre-trial detention center. Another former head of this lending institution - Vladimir Gezin, who pleaded guilty to the alleged crime, was under house arrest. All of them are accused of embezzling 3.2 billion rubles from the bank. by issuing obviously bad loans.

All four persons involved in the criminal case under investigation by the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (embezzlement or embezzlement), employees of the GUEBiPK detained on February 20. The former owner of the Investment Bank Sergey Mendeleev was taken in his own country house on Rublevka, and the former vice-president Grigory Yusufov and members of the supervisory board of Sergey Zaitsev and Vladimir Gezin for places of residence in Moscow.

As follows from the case file, the organizer of the criminal group is Mr. Mendeleev, who "developed the theft mechanism."

Its essence was to issue loans “without their subsequent repayment” to “one-day” firms controlled by the ex-financier. The rest of the fraud participants were responsible at Investbank, some for the credit unit, some for the selection of corporate clients and investment projects. One way or another, according to the investigation, they were all involved in a criminal scheme and took an active part in the thefts. It should be noted that Olga Borgardt, the deputy chairman of the bank’s board, who also concluded fictitious credit agreements, also took part in illegal activities.

Among the recipients 3.2 billion rubles. there are nine LLCs: Dirs Stroy, UltraStroy, Stroy Mont, Fincomaktiv and others. As the investigation established, they received loans from March 30 to August 15, 2012.

Note that only one of the accused pleaded guilty to the incriminated act - Vladimir Gezin.

His Tverskoy District Court of Moscow sent under house arrest. And the remaining defendants-in jail. As follows from the investigator’s petition, the accused can hide from the preliminary investigation bodies, put pressure on witnesses, have property abroad, and some tried to obtain foreign citizenship.

The lawyers of the ex-bankers asked the court to restrict themselves with respect to their clients by bail or house arrest. At the same time, lawyer Murad Musaev, representing the interests of Sergey Zaitsev, drew the judge's attention to the fact that the Moscow City Court had previously changed the preventive measure from being held in the pre-trial detention center to Olga Borgardt's house arrest. According to the defense attorney, the appellate court considered that the crime committed by her belongs to the sphere of entrepreneurial activity. However, this did not affect the final decision of the court on other persons involved.

As Kommersant already said, the investigation of the thefts from Investbank began in February 2014, when the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central District of Moscow opened a criminal case under part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a particularly large scale). Three months earlier, due to the “complete loss of own funds and the lack of prospects for the restoration of the financial situation,” the bank lost its license, and a hole in its capital amounted to 63.4 billion rubles. However, as follows from the appeals of the Central Bank and the DIA to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the police did not actively investigate, and at the end of the year the case turned out to be in the Central Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee. Its first defendants were one of the owners of the Spartak hockey club and former beneficiary of the Investbank Sergey Mastyugin and. about. Chairman of the Board of this credit institution Olga Borgardt. On July 17, 2017, the Tagansky District Court of Moscow sentenced them for the theft of 2.8 billion rubles from the bank. to eight and six years in prison, respectively.

In the middle of last year, when Madame Borgardt was about to leave conditionally ahead of schedule from the Kostroma colony, she was transferred to Moscow. Mr. Mastyugin was also there. This time, the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took up their case, charged the ex-bankers with new thefts from the same Investbank. According to investigators, in 2012-2013, Ms. Borgardt signed agreements for the issuance of loans by the Investment Bank for more than 8 billion rubles. Moreover, all the companies that received money from the bank were “one-day” and did not conduct any economic activity. It is also worth noting that the Investigation Department began to investigate the second criminal case on the fact of intentional bankruptcy (Article 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of Investbank by unidentified persons. However, Olga Borgardt and Sergey Mastyugin were charged only with part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement or embezzlement).