Madame Arbidol can return to the government

The scandalous head of the Accounts Chamber can lead a social bloc in the government and supervise public health.
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Entering a new term, Vladimir Putin seeks to renew the government, give a new impetus to the development of the country. There are statements that the country will make a qualitative breakthrough in economic development in the next six years, and the standard of living will grow substantially. But will Tatyana Golikova help in this? Experts are more than skeptical, in their opinion "the news about Golikova's return to the government is shocking," and there are understandable reasons for that.

Golikova was constantly subjected to sharp criticism from the professional medical community. The famous children's doctor, the head of the National Medical Chamber, Leonid Roshal, noted Golikova's incompetence and her inability to develop the healthcare system. Leading physicians of the country even united to jointly resist the dominance of ignorant bureaucracy, corruption and conflicts of interest, which developed vigorously when Golikova was at the head of the Ministry of Health.

Judge for yourself, at the 7th Pirogov Physicians' Congress, which at the end of 2011 summed up Golikova's five-year tenure as minister, the results of a survey of 80,000 doctors from all RF subjects were made public. It turned out that 93 percent considered the health crisis situation, 87 percent negatively assessed the ongoing reform of the medical industry, and 73 percent attributed the catastrophic state of health care to Tatiana Golikova's personal ineffective activity.

Traces of Golikova

The head of the Accounting Chamber at one time "cleaned" the Ministry of Health from opponents from among medical professionals, deprived Roszdravnadzor of the control over the quality of medicines and the actions of officials responsible for procurement of medicines, carried out the law "On the circulation of medicines", which caused a flurry of criticism in the medical community, the State Duma and public organizations.

Under the complete control of the Golikova-Khristenko family and single-clan officials and businessmen, almost all of the pharmaceuticals - one of the most expensive branches of medicine - has been transferred. Viktor Khristenko was called the "long-liver" in the Russian cabinet of ministers. He began with Chernomyrdin, changed many posts, strengthened his influence, was Minister of Industry and Trade, supervised pharmaceuticals. He helped to attach his wife Tatyana Golikov to the chair of the minister of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, thoroughly settled in which, she developed a vigorous activity to create a family clan in all key posts and enrich close associates. Scandals accompanied Golikov all the time her leadership of the ministry. These scandals are facts of corruption, traces of how our money and health were stolen unabashedly.

When a friend is a valuable contribution

First of all, the notorious Arbidol is remembered. This story has long been a byword in the languages, and the very Golikov began to be called just like Madame Arbidol. The drug has a high toxicity, its effectiveness is not proven, but it was thanks to Golikova arbidol was generously filled in the bins of the motherland - the warehouses Rosrezerva, and the company "Pharmstandard", which owns a good friend Victor Kharitonin, earned tens of billions of rubles. A terrible scandal broke out and Arbidol left a portfolio of Pharmstandard drugs.

Actually, in the days of Golikova, there was a strong feeling that there is only one company on the Russian pharmaceutical market - Pharmstandard. The Ministry of Health generated such decisions that "Pharmstandard" always appeared in the black. His medicines were registered in the blink of an eye, unlike other companies, months waiting for registration. "Pharmstandard" won almost all competitions of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, despite the high price of purchases. But the minister turned a blind eye to this, as state contracts swam into the hands of their people. Group of companies Kharitonina was out of competition, which made it possible to conclude more than a thousand state contracts for hundreds of billions of rubles.

So, when the ministry introduced a centralized system of supplying hospitals with medicines for HIV, hepatitis C and B and tuberculosis, the largest contracts went to Kharitonin's company. This led to the fact that in the autumn of 2010 there were protests of HIV-infected citizens from different regions of Russia, dissatisfied with the lack of necessary medications. They publicly urged Tatyana Golikov to retire. Or remember the scandal in Yekaterinburg, where only 1.8% of the population was officially infected with HIV, and where the complaints of patients about the lack of medicines were estimated in the thousands.

The source, who worked in the Ministry of Healthcare, notes that the failure in the logistics of drug supply was created by the Golikovo officials artificially, and the problems that arose were being patched allegedly by urgent public procurements at inflated prices, which cost tens of billions of rubles. All this was veiled by the need to solve important social problems.

As a result of such an unbalanced procurement calendar, many companies were squeezed out of the market, and the pharmaceutical giant giant, as a result of leaps and bounds, received maximum profits from state programs. Among the high-profile scandals is the supply of the American antitumor drug Velcade. In order to sell this drug, Golikova had to be banned standing 30% cheaper, but very effective domestic Milanfor. And although the Moscow Arbitration Court overturned Golikova's decision to refuse registration of Milanphorus, the time was lost, many patients did not receive a much-needed and affordable medication in a timely manner.

The scandals associated with Kharitonin and Golikova-Khristenko still shake the market. It turned out that the company "Nativa", which produces the anti-tumor generic "Gefitinib-native," does so without a license. The Ministry of Health allowed Nativa to issue a controversial drug without a patent and registered it in the register of medicines. Against this background, the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is unsuccessfully trying to secure the arrest of the packages of the antitumoral generic. According to a source in the Ministry of Health, the secret of Nativa's success is simple: it belongs to Viktor Kharitonin, and Tatyana Golikova and Viktor Khristenko exert powerful pressure on the agency. By the way, "Nativa" is the record holder in terms of the number of lawsuits filed against her about patent infringement. Now in courts there are already six such proceedings. In addition to AstraZeneca, the company is suing Orion Corporation, Bayer, BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim and Pfizer. But, according to a source in the Ministry of Health, a bad reputation does not mean anything: "Do you imagine the level of administrative pressure of Golikova-Khristenko?" And this is considering that they are now formally out of work, but now imagine if they regain the reins of government again? "

For a friend, everything is not tight

Among Haritonin's partners in the biotechnology center "Generium" there are two Andrews: Reus and Dementiev. The share of Reus with Dementiev in business is a controlling one and amounts to 25% of shares. Two Andrei are former deputies and friends of Khristenko, who, as we know, was in charge of pharmaceuticals. The Generum has a scandalous reputation. In the opinion of Margarita Shilova, the chief scientific officer of the Department of Anti-Tuberculosis Assistance of the Sechenov Medical Academy, the rejection of the Mantoux test, which has been verified and recommended by WHO, and its replacement with the Genetic Engineering Diaskintest of "Generium" pushes the country towards an epidemic of tuberculosis. According to her, the disaskintest reaction does not show in all the necessary cases. And tuberculosis is the disease from which it is better to be safe: if we miss the baby at an early stage, time will pass away, an active infection will develop. Subsequently, millions of rubles from the state pocket will be needed to treat the sick. But until this time, the creators and producers of the diaskintest, as well as government officials covering them, will manage to make money for the health of our children. According to experts, the sharp increase in the growth of the diaskintest began exactly after Andrey Dementiev and Andrey Reus received a 12.5% ​​stake in Generium.

This Kharitonin and his partners do not intend to stop. Today, Generium controls 70% of the state procurement market for hemophilia drugs, which last year exceeded 8 billion rubles. To this end, Generium set up a joint venture with Irish Shire Corporation - SG Biotech. According to experts, in addition to the fact that "Generium" has become an actual monopoly in this area, there is also an open deception of the state. At first they said that Generium would provide import substitution, and in fact the company was selling Irish drugs.

Once again, we recall that two Andrei Khartonin's partners are fellow countrymen Khristenko, both worked in the government under his leadership, both his partners in the Pestovo golf club (behind the scenes belongs to the same Khristenko who heads the Golf Association), both co-founders in his The charity fund for the revival of the Assumption Monastery, finally, both - its closest neighbors in the elite suburban town in the same Pestovo. Close in all senses people. It is not surprising that the business connected with them received and receives state orders from the same Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Health, which was formerly headed by the current chairman of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova, the wife of Viktor Khristenko.

Nirvana is within reach

A friendly spike of businessmen and high-ranking officials in another country would be called corruption, and we call it "special business relations". However, the relationship of merchant-pharmacists with the Golikov-Khristenko couple is much deeper than business relations. They, in addition to business, bring spirituality closer together - all of them as one admirers of the Fund for the Revival of the Starytsky Holy Assumption Monastery, headed by Viktor Borisovich Khristenko. Among the pilgrims co-owners of the pharmaceutical company "Generium" Andrey Reus and Andrey Dementyev, the general director of "Nanolek" (owned by Khristenko's son Vladimir), Mikhail Nekrasov and his colleague from the company "Biocad" Dmitry Morozov, and, of course, Victor Kharitonin himself. What exactly spodviglo businessmen to collective worship in the monastery is not known for certain, but now Michael Nekrasov and Dmitry Morozov is no longer enough for the begging of sins in the homeland, so they are periodically dragged to Tibet, where they together wait for enlightenment, visiting Buddhist monasteries, which Mikhail Nekrasov regularly reports on Facebook. And it seems that their appeal to the higher forces has been heard: if Golikova again will supervise medicine and purchase of medicines, and to Pharmstandard, and Nativ, and to Generium, and Nanolek, and Biocadu to nirvana will be at hand.