Spetsstroy Russia flooded Roscosmos with defective concrete

The launching barrel of the long-suffering cosmodrome "Vostochny" in the Amur region was filled with military builders with concrete and marriage. Experts fear that under the cosmodrome there are voids in general, which were not noticed by bad geological exploration.
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The filling of the concrete base of the launching table at the Vostochny cosmodrome, as checked, was performed with the marriage, RBC was told in the press service of the FSUE "Center for the Operation of Space Infrastructure Facilities" (CENSCI).

The survey showed that the substandard pouring of concrete was made by the former contractor - Spetsstroy of Russia. The CENCI has a number of other complaints about the work of this company.

Nevertheless, experts decided that the identified construction marriage is not critical and will be eliminated by the Roscosmos state corporation own forces before October 5 of this year.

The TsENKI specified that the director general of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin gave a "strict instruction" to strengthen control over the construction of the launch complex for the Angara missile with the involvement of experts from the Ministry of Construction of Russia. In addition, Roskosmos and industry experts will conduct parallel inspections and control of the spaceport facilities.

At the same time, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia Alexander Khustov told RBC that the emptiness at the base of the launch complex of the cosmodrome could have arisen because of insufficiently carefully conducted engineering and geological research.

"It is necessary to look at those engineering and geological surveys that were conducted during the construction. And, if there is now a sinking, then the research was not carefully conducted. First, the mistakes of the designers are not ruled out. Probably, the inadequacy of calculations of static and dynamic loads played a role. It was necessary to investigate soils, check their compressibility and compaction. Secondly, the case may be in the natural phenomenon of karst, the grounds are washed out by groundwater, "Khaustov explained.

According to him, this is not the first case with objects of the space industry, when the current building codes and rules do not meet the requirements. "The spaceport is a large object, and builders can sometimes save on research. Eliminate such voids quite easily: the bore hole is drilled to the void, liquid cement is introduced there, a plume is formed, which holds the dips. There is nothing terrible, it is eliminated within a few days. At the same time, the foundation becomes stronger than the natural soils, and allows you to withstand the heaviest loads, "he said.

The discovery of voids under the base of the launch complex for Soyuz-2 launch vehicles became known after the publication of Roskosmos documents on the state procurement website. On September 5, the Corporation entered into an agreement with the contractor to eliminate them, and the company Adonis LLC became the counterparty.

East was commissioned in 2016, the first launch was held on April 28. In total, three rockets were launched from the cosmodrome.