Eduard Chesnov filed a basic bank of Roskosmos for 7.5 billion rubles

A former member of the Board of Directors of the Fundservicebank was arrested in absentia and put on the wanted list. Delayed for several years: the former head and co-owner of the bank, Alexander Volovnik, has been sitting under arrest for a year and a half.
The Tverskoi court of Moscow arrested in absentia the former director general of the "Moscow Capital Trust" Soyuz "and a member of the Board of Directors of the Fundervisbank Eduard Chesnov. He is a figurant of the embezzlement case of 7.5 billion rubles. the credit institution, which for more than ten years was the main bank of Roskosmos. According to the investigation department (SD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, arrested, being a confidant of the former owner of the Fundservicebank Alexander Volovnik, led a separate group of specialists who managed the assets withdrawn from the bank.

The decision to arrest Eduard Chesnov was taken by the Tverskoi court of the capital in absentia: the location of the former general director of Soyuz Capital Trust Company and a member of the Board of Directors of Fondervisbank, the investigation has not yet been established. In this regard, Mr. Chesnov was put on the wanted list. It should be noted that the court decision on the arrest now allows Russian law enforcement agencies to send materials to a suspect in Interpol. The former banker is charged with art. 210 of the Criminal Code (organized criminal community) and part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud in a particularly large amount),

According to the SD version of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Eduard Chesnov was a confidant of the former owner of the Fundservicebank, Alexander Volovnik, who for several years led a criminal group engaged in large-scale embezzlement of depositors' funds. It should be noted at the same time that for a long time Fondervisbank was the main bank for Roskosmos, which held $ 800 million in accounts.

According to the materials of the case, Mr. Chesnov was in charge of a separate group, whose "criminal functions" included the commission of "various financial transactions" with the money withdrawn from the bank, the management of property "acquired by criminal means", and "accounting and distribution of criminal proceeds" between partners. Thus, following the instructions of the owner of the bank, as well as of his first vice-president Petr Ladonshchikov, Mr. Chesnov, says in the case, he found 31 one-day companies with which, from May 1, 2013 to February 24, 2015, the bank concluded 216 loan agreements . According to them, Fonservisbank transferred to borrowers 6.7 billion rubles, which, according to the investigation, were "not returned to the bank" - their members of the criminal community "used at their discretion."

Another episode attributed to Mr. Chesnov refers to November 2014. Then, according to investigators, Eduard Chesnov took part in the withdrawal of 800 million rubles. "By signing a fictitious contract" with the broker - LLC "Managing Company FINSO". This money, SD believes, was also abducted. As a result, according to the investigation, with the participation of Mr. Chesnov from the bank, 7.5 billion rubles were withdrawn and laundered.

As previously reported to Kommersant, the case against the bank's leaders was initiated three years ago, after the bank's refusal to immediately return to Roskosmos its funds placed in a credit institution. First, the amount of damage was 1.38 billion rubles, then it increased sharply.

The owner of the bank, Alexander Volovnik, and First Vice-President Pyotr Ladonchikov were recently transferred from the SIZO for house arrest after being charged with organizing a criminal association (part 1, Article 210 of the Criminal Code). The main defendants of this investigation were arrested in the spring of 2017, the whole case of two dozen people.