The brothers of Magomedov were seized 10 thousand dollars

It is assumed that they will go to pay damages of 2.5 billion rubles in their case.
The Tverskoy Court of Moscow arrested, as an interim measure, the money of Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, co-owners of the Suma group, suspected of creating a criminal community to steal budget funds. Officially, the amount of the arrested person is not reported, according to the same sources, "Kommersant", it is about $ 10 thousand, found in the safe of one of the brothers. Note that this amount is approximately one four thousandth of the damage claimed in the criminal case of 2.5 billion rubles.

A spokeswoman for the Tverskoi District Court of Moscow, Anastasia Dzyurko, today announced the imposition of an arrest on "the money of the co-owners of the Sum group, Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov." Ms. Dzyurko categorically refused to name the amount of these funds, but noted that the arrest was "provisional in nature" within the criminal case of seven episodes of particularly large thefts for a total of about 2.5 billion rubles incriminated to the former employees of Suma.

Immediately after that, various versions appeared in the media with links to unnamed sources: according to one source, FSB operatives found and seized the very 2.5 billion rubles that Ziyavudin Magomedov promised to "collect for three days" and transfer to any account specified by the Tver court. This happened at a meeting in the court where the businessman was being given a measure of restraint, and he, in order to avoid arrest, offered a pledge for his freedom in the amount of all the damage incriminated by the investigation. His request was dismissed by the court, and Nikolai Budilo, an Interior Ministry investigator who succeeded in arresting Mr. Magomedov, recommended that the suspect spend a "security deposit" to pay damages.

It was also suggested that Ziyavudin Magomedov nevertheless took advantage of Nikolai Budilo's advice and allegedly voluntarily informed the investigation about the details of the account, on which the amount not claimed for the pledge was accumulated and thus extinguished all the damage allegedly inflicted by Sum's managers. Note that Ziyavudin Magomedov, suspected at the moment only in the organization of the criminal community (Part 1, Article 210 of the Criminal Code), the damage has not been imputed. However, the businessman allegedly took such a decision before the April 16 meeting of the Moscow City Court, which will consider the complaint of the businessman and his defense on the groundlessness of the arrest. Rapid and voluntary repayment of damages would undoubtedly increase Ziyavudin Magomedov's chances of secession from the detention center for house arrest.

However, the source close to the investigation, "Kommersant", these versions called at least premature. He said that they were talking about the arrest of only $ 10 thousand. This money was found during a search conducted last Friday in the home safe of another co-owner of Summa Magomed Magomedov. Thus, the arrested funds make up about one four thousandth part of the damage appearing in the criminal case.