Alexander Bastrykin does not have a pension

The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who has reached the age of 65, may be extended for another 5 years.
According to Kommersant sources, Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (SCR), who is 65 years old on August 27, will soon return to work from vacation. Moreover, the term of his service can be extended for another five years.

A month ago, Alexander Bastrykin went on vacation, during which he celebrated his 65th birthday. In accordance with Art. 30 of the law "On the Investigative Committee of Russia", this is the age limit of service, but the chairman of the TFR can conclude with term older employees fixed-term employment contracts, through which they can work until 70 years. So it was, for example, with the famous investigator Alexander Filin, who just left the committee last year at that age. At the same time, the age before which the chairman of the TFR can remain in office, is not described in the same law. In his art. 13 it is said that the head of the department is appointed and dismissed by a decree of the Russian president.

According to Kommersant sources close to the presidential administration, Mr. Bastrykin does not fall under the recently adopted law, which allows extending the possible service life for civil servants to 70 years, as he himself and his department have a special status.

Nevertheless, the head of the SKR can hold this post until the 70th anniversary. Moreover, the extension of the term of service takes place without the issuance of the relevant presidential decrees, and, in agreement with it, the head of state should endorse the papers prepared by the cadre officers.

A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, could not on Wednesday answer the question of journalists whether Alexander Bastrykin's term of office was extended. "I did not see the corresponding document, so I can not say, I need to find out," said the representative of the head of state, explaining that he simply does not have "now such information."

Nevertheless, according to sources, "Kommersant", in the coming days, the staff of the SKR are waiting for the return of their leader from vacation. In September, he plans two personal receptions for citizens, a meeting with journalists, as well as a number of less public events related to the inspection of the regional units of the TFR.