MOE completed the search for the dead at the crash site of the catamaran in Volgograd

On June 11, the "Elan" catamaran, where local law enforcement officers celebrated the birthday of one of them, crashed into a barge on the Volga in the Volgograd region. The vessel was run by the drunk and formerly convicted former head of the Kalachevsky district of the Volgograd region Dmitry Khakhalev. 11 people died.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Volgograd Region completed a search and rescue operation at the crash site of the Elan-12 catamaran, carrying 16 people aboard, 11 of them died. The emergency occurred in the Central District of Volgograd on the evening of June 11, when the ship flew on a barge following the tugboat "Captain Vecherkin". Rescuers raised from the bottom of the Volga a sunken ship in which they discovered the body of a missing woman. The Southern Investigative Directorate on Transport of the Investigative Committee of Russia (CID) started the case on violation of the safety rules of the water transport movement, which caused by negligence the death of two or more persons (part 3 of Article 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the investigation is put in the control of the central apparatus of the TFR.

The catamaran collision with one of the two barges following the dry cargo vessel "Captain Vecherkin" occurred about 22:00 at 250 meters from the shore near the "Gasitel" monument in Volgograd. The catamaran sank, there were 16 people on it, 10 of them died right away, five of them were saved. One woman before Tuesday morning was listed as missing, but rescuers discovered her body when they lifted the catamaran from the bottom of the river.

The sunken ship has not been registered and has not been registered since 2017. Its owner - the former head of the Kalachevsky district of the Volgograd region, Dmitry Khakhalev - is listed among the dead.
According to the TFR, it was the actions of Mr. Khakhlaev, who, while driving a drunk catamaran, ignored light and sound signals from the barge, caused the ship to crash.

The issue of detaining the owner of the boat station, which did not prevent the catamaran from entering the water area, is being decided. According to the regional MOE, the 12-seater boat was overloaded and moved in the dark without running lights. The catamaran left the island of Golodny and went to the shore near the monument "Gasitel". The captain did not have time to react to the tug and barges that appeared on his way and at full speed crashed into one of them.

Most of the passengers could not get out, as they were in the interior of the catamaran. Found six unused life jackets, none of the people rescue equipment was not.
Three people saved the crew of "Captain Vecherkin", two more - rescuers arrived to the scene.

Three people were hospitalized with bruises and hypothermia. According to the Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office, one minor was killed. "Psychologists work with the relatives of the deceased," the ministry said. "The interdepartmental operational headquarters is continuing to operate."

All drowned are identified. Among the dead - the company commander number 1 platoon number 2 OBDS traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Volgograd Vitaly Negras, whose birthday and celebrated the company. According to preliminary data from forensic experts, the passengers and the captain of the ship were in a state of intoxication. The GU MVD for the Volgograd region does not comment on the information about the presence of a policeman on a catamaran that moved along the Volga with violation of the rules of navigation on inland waterways.

The Regional Prosecutor's Office began to verify compliance with the requirements of the legislation on traffic safety on water transport. The dry cargo ship did not receive any significant damage. In the search and rescue work involved 1,4 thousand people - employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rosgvardia. At night the governor of the Volgograd region, Andrey Bocharov, held a meeting of the operational headquarters at the site of the incident.

The owner of the sunken catamaran Dmitry Khakhalev was engaged in the hotel business, he was a co-owner of LLC "Ryuminsky open spaces". In 2009, he was convicted of attempting to rape his partner's civil wife, shooting a rifle on resting campsite, and beating a police officer. The court sentenced him to four years in a general-regime colony.

Dry cargo ship "Captain Vecherkin" belongs to Nizhny Novgorod JSC "Volga-fleet".

After the death on the Volga 11 people detained the owner of the boat station
RBC, June 13, 2013

In Volgograd, the owner of a boat station was detained, who did not prevent the catamaran from entering the water area of ​​the Volga, eventually collided with a barge. The former local official who was in charge of the ship was drunk.

After the collision on the Volga of the catamaran "Elan" with a barge, the victims of which were 11 people, in Volgograd, the owner of a boat station was detained, which did not prevent the sailing of this catamaran. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Southern Investigation Department on Transport of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The management specified that the 47-year-old general director of LLC Pristan, a boat station where the catamaran was standing, was detained. The director of the "Pristani" "did not take any action to prevent" the catamaran's exit into the water area of ​​the river, investigators believe. The house of the steering catamaran is searched, added to the UK.

On the night of June 12 in the port of Volgograd catamaran, which celebrated his birthday, collided with a barge, killing 11 people. As it turned out, the catamaran was operated by the former head of the Kalachevsky district of the Volgograd region Dmitry Khakhalev, who was sentenced to four years in prison for five articles.

The Investigative Committee believes that the death of the passengers of the catamaran resulted in the actions of the helmsman who managed the ship in a state of intoxication. The owner of the catamaran "completely ignored both light and sound warning signals coming from the barge," Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the IC, said. The vessel itself has not been registered and has not been registered since 2017.