The new "Voentelecom" found old schemes

The FSB and the TFR revealed large thefts in the supply of special equipment to the Ministry of Defense.
Military investigators and FSB officers searched and seized documents at JSC Voentelecom. The first deputy general director of Voentelecom Oleg Savitsky and the financial director of the joint-stock company Evgeny Zhilkov were detained on suspicion of a particularly large fraud in the supply of equipment to the military department, including the routers that received the premium in the field of import substitution Priority-2017.

According to Kommersant sources, searches involving officers of the FSB, the police and the main military investigation department of the KGB (GVSU), under the supervision of the staff of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, were conducted according to the top ten addresses in Moscow where the central office of Voentelecom is located and the majority of the figurants live investigation, as well as in St. Petersburg - there are companies that develop and produce equipment for AO.

First Deputy Director General of Voentelecom Oleg Sawitsky, Kommersant sources say, the special forces were detained near the company building on Bolshaya Oleney Street, while Dmitry Semiletov, a former adviser to the director general of JSC Aleksandr Davydov, was detained in his Moscow apartment. Searches were also conducted in the offices of Mr. Davydov himself, the commercial director of the enterprise Evgeny Zhilkov and the head of the support department of Voentelecom Denis Starovoitova.

After the searches, according to eyewitnesses, Mr. Zhilkov left the office, accompanied by armed with automatic rifles, special forces in masks, who took him to a minivan in the building of the GVSU CKR in the lane Holzunova. From there, neither he nor his alleged accomplices Savitsky and Semiletov returned until late in the evening. It is possible that after the interrogations the investigation may apply to the Khamovnichesky District Court with petitions for arrests of suspects. Another three minivans, according to eyewitnesses, boxes with seized documents were removed from the office of Voentelecom.

The criminal case of fraud in a particularly large amount (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code) was initiated by the GVSU of the TFR, based on the verification materials carried out by the GWP. According to the version of supervision and investigation, the top managers of Voentelecom, having signed contracts with the Ministry of Defense in 2013, including within the program of import substitution for equipment supplies, among which were routers, used various schemes to substantially overstate the cost of production. So, according to preliminary estimates of the investigators, the military department paid an average of 1 million rubles for one router, while its market value did not exceed 350 thousand rubles. Thanks to this, only the software vendor LLC "Emzior" in 2016 earned more than 200 million rubles., And the intellectual owner of the development of "Emzion Technologies" - about 40 million rubles. The last company is headed by the sister of the head of Voentelecom Olga Davydova. Emzior is headed by the natives of JSC Scientific-Research Institute "Scale", whose general director before his appointment in 2013 was Alexander Davydov. The latter passes the witness in the criminal case.

At the same time, it should be noted that the predecessor of Mr. Davydov as the head of Voentelecom Nikolai Tamodin was sentenced in 2015 by the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow to a six-year imprisonment. According to GVSU SKR, in the period from 2011 to February 2013, being the head of Voentelecom, he committed the theft of funds allocated for the implementation of defense state contracts. The investigation established that Voentelecom had already transferred spare parts, tools and accessories of military communications equipment that had been removed from its balance and unused for use to its Mytishchi subsidiary Spetsremont, and the latter, through fictitious contracts through Rosservis and Sistema Telecom, sold them again Ministry of Defense. The founder of the first of these firms, according to the investigation, was Nikolay Tamodin himself, and the second - his father-in-law Igor Naumov (he sat for four and a half years). The damage was estimated by the investigation of 714 million rubles.

The damage to the new case has not been calculated yet, but the investigators do not exclude that schemes that operated under the former leadership of Voentelecom could also be used in the fraud.

Alexander Davydov declined to comment. However, several top managers of the defense industry enterprises admitted that such an indicative "mask-show" arranged by the siloviki was "shocked". "Steps that he (Mr. Davydov.-" Kommersant ") did for Voentelecom were correct: according to the results of 2017, the company's revenue, provided that the order was reduced by the Defense Ministry, was to become a record for the entire existence of the organization - more than 20 billion rubles . ", - said one of the interlocutors of Kommersant. According to them, law enforcement agencies became interested in the contract in 2012, when the company was headed by Nikolay Tamodin, although Mr. Davydov himself came to Voentelecom only in 2013. The industry managers interviewed by Kommersant are convinced that the situation with searches has become "the consequence of a conflict": "He had many influential ill-wishers."