Alexander Bastrykin will cut his transporters

All transport departments in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation may fall under the reduction.
Origin source
According to the document received by the editorial office of URA.RU, by order of Bastrykin, a working group was created to work out the question of “the desirability of further functioning of investigative departments on transport in the IC in the system of the Investigative Committee”.

“To carry out, on behalf of the leaders of the working group, a check and analysis of the performance of investigative departments in transport. Submit proposals to the head of the working group on the appropriateness of further functioning of investigative departments on transport in the Investigative Committee in the Investigative Committee system, ”said Alexander Bastrykin.

The leaders of the SU on transport of the RF IC were ordered to assist the working group and promptly provide the required information. Conclusions about the need for the continued existence of transport management in the UK should be ready by February 14. Reform of the Investigative Committee was announced earlier, while Alexander Bastrykin said that he does not exclude that the Investigative Committee may return to the prosecutor's office.

In the Ural SU on transport, the TFR does not comment on the management’s order. They became aware of the order in the last days of December, and the employees went on New Year's holidays far from in a festive mood: they do not know what awaits them in case of liquidation of the department. The editors of URA.RU sent a request with a request to comment on the situation with the transport department to the press service of the RF IC.