Rusnano top manager Andrei Gorkov detained on a new charge

Arrested more than a year ago, the managing director of "Rusnano" for investment activities was charged under the second article. So, he will stay in prison for another year.
The State Security Service of the Kyrgyz Republic presented a new accusation to Andrey Gorkov, the managing director of Rusnano for investment activities. Earlier, he was charged with causing the company damage in the amount of more than 700 million rubles. And this time - especially large fraud when investing in investment projects. It should be noted that the deadline for Mr. Gorkov's arrest was late on Friday night and he was to be released, but now the investigation intends to petition for his detention already in connection with the new charge.

Andrei Gorkov was detained exactly one year ago, the Moscow Basmanny Court elected him a preventive measure in the form of detention. Since then, the top manager of Rosnano was in the Lefortovo detention center. The maximum period of detention in Mr Gorkov's room expired on Friday evening, and after his completion he was to be released, but shortly before that he was transferred to a temporary detention center at Petrovka 38, and on the same day, lawyers were summoned there. As it turned out, all these measures were taken to present to Mr. Gorky a new charge. This time, according to Kommersant sources, Andrei Gorkov is accused of a particularly large fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code). The details are still unknown, as sources in law enforcement agencies say, it is a question of fraud with funds that Rosnano, along with a number of other investors in 2009, invested in some projects. Now the investigation intends to petition the court to arrest Mr. Gorkov already in connection with the new charge.

Before that, as Kommersant reported, Andrei Gorkov was charged with Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power, which entailed grave consequences). According to the version of the TFR, Andrei Gorkov "in the period from 2011 to 2013, contrary to the established procedure and interests of Rosnano and its sole shareholder - the state, placed on a permanent basis the company's cash in LLC CB" Smolensky Bank "in the amount of 460 million up to 740 million rubles. under the guise of settlement and cash services, but in fact for the purpose of financing the activities of the bank. " When the license was revoked by the bank on December 13, 2014, Rosnano, according to Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the SKR, lost more than 738 million rubles in funds.

Andrey Gorkov does not admit guilt. Earlier, he and his lawyers insisted that he had not caused Rusnano damage. The defense then claimed that before the license was revoked from the bank by the bank "Smolensky" corporation "Rosnano" were transferred assets that completely blocked the allegedly existing damage, that is, the obligations of the bank. It should be noted that Rosnano also agreed with the protection - the company issued a statement in which it called the arrest of Andrei Gorkov groundless.