Bastrykin Alexander


Alexander Bastrykin personally spanked two Interior Ministry generals


TFR suspects the generals of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of abuse of power, the generals face up to 10 years in prison.

Alexander Bastrykin dashed off millions of rubles in Finland


Transportation of the head of the UK Alexander Bastrykin to the Finnish resort and back cost the treasury 8 million rubles.

Alexander Bastrykin will cut his transporters


All transport departments in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation may fall under the reduction.

Mikhail Maksimenko did not say a single bad word about Alexander Bastrykin


“FSB officers also put pressure on me, demanded to incriminate Alexander Bastrykin and threatened me for a period of 22 years,” said Mikhail Maksimenko, former head of the ICR’s own security department, in court. He and several of his alleged accomplices, including the former head of the capital’s department of the UK, are charged with receiving a million dollars for the fact that they promised to release the close associates of the criminal authority Shakro Molodoy

Investigative Committee found a werewolf colonel in the presidential administration


Colonel of the FSB Mikhail Gorbatov at work defended the constitutional rights of citizens, and in his spare time he "nightmare" businessmen.

Alexander Bastrykin does not have a pension


The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who has reached the age of 65, may be extended for another 5 years.

Alexander Bastrykin called to close Instagram, which is "guilty of a terrorist attack in Leningrad"


The head of the Investigative Committee also demanded "to save children from the Internet".

"Winter cherry" was not tested in good faith


This was stated by Alexander Bastrykin. And Vladimir Putin instructed to find a document on the inspection of the shopping center and the signer without comment.

In the TRC "Winter Cherry" disabled the alarm and blocked the doors of the cinema halls


The guards disconnected fire safety systems in the Kemerovo shopping center "Winter Cherry" 15 minutes before the fire, says Igor Polozinenko, head of the company that served fire extinguishing and alarm systems.