Patrushev Nikolay


Patrushev went to sea scouts


Andrey Patrushev, son of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and brother of Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev, became the largest co-owner of the Marine Arctic Exploration Expedition company.

The families of Sergey Chemezov and Denis Manturov are making a nest for oligarchs from Gelendzhik


The Black Sea city became a place of concentration of a number of oligarchs and officials.

Nikolai Patrushev noticed rubbish near St. Petersburg


Redistribution of the garbage market of the Russian Federation reached the northern capital. The head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev suddenly learned that up to 2 million tons of hazardous waste accumulated at the "Krasny Bor" training ground.

FSB will keep secret the results of Dmitry Patrushev's activities in Rosselkhozbank


In a deeply unprofitable state-owned bank, the loan portfolio exceeded its capital by either 700 billion, or 1 trillion rubles. The new Minister of Agriculture does not need to have such a background.

Cocaine from Argentina was carried on the plane of the squadron "Russia"


The airborne number of the aircraft that appeared in the case on stopping the supply of drugs from Argentina to Russia coincides with the Il-96 number, which belongs to the Rossia air crew serving the top officials of the state.

In Argentina, took the "cocaine trace" to Russia


As the Russian embassy in Buenos Aires was involved in a drug scandal.

Young and thieves Dmitry Patrushev


Head of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev can join the board of directors of Russian Railways. The government recommended the candidacy of the hereditary "neodvoryanin".