Cocaine from Argentina was carried on the plane of the squadron "Russia"

The airborne number of the aircraft that appeared in the case on stopping the supply of drugs from Argentina to Russia coincides with the Il-96 number, which belongs to the Rossia air crew serving the top officials of the state.
Origin source
In the photographs from the criminal case about the disclosure of the drug supply channel from Argentina to Russia, published by the Argentine gendarmerie, there is a picture with a liner loaded with suitcases. In them, as the organizers of the canal supposed, 400 kg of cocaine should have been. The aircraft number is 96023.

The last digit of the airborne number is not clearly visible in the picture. However, the video, which was also published by the Argentine gendarmerie, has a frame where the number is clearly visible.

The liner with the same aircraft number in August 2016 made the first flight, indicates the resource, which specializes in collecting information about domestic aircraft and studying the map of their flights. On December 30, 2016, Russian presidential affairs manager Alexander Kolpakov said in an interview with TASS that the flight detachment in the framework of the aircraft fleet renovation program for domestic aircraft received a number of aircraft for the year: one Tu-214SR, two Il-96-300, two Superjet 100 "Today, the second IL-96-300 was received," Kolpakov said. The first airplane of this model was transferred to the airborne detachment on July 22 (board number 96022), and on December 30, 2016, the Special Flight Detachment (SLO) Rossiya of the Presidential Administration of Russia, which specializes in transportation of the first persons of the state, received the flight 96023.

The resource of also indicates that on December 6, 2017 the IL-96 aircraft with the on-board number 96023 really was at the airport of Buenos Aires. December 7, he was in Cape Verde, where he flew to Moscow.

As Argentina's National Security Minister Patricia Bullrich told a news conference in Buenos Aires, it was in December 2017 that the cocaine load was sent "as diplomatic baggage on a Russian government plane."

"This information is not true," RBC commented on the aircraft's airplane number and its routes, the representative of the "Russia" SLO, the adviser to the President's managerial staff, Elena Krylova.

The liner routes coincide, in particular, with foreign visits of the top officials of the state. The aircraft with the number 96023, for example, was in Munich on the day when Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited the security conference in this city, as well as in the cities visited by the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev as part of his Asian tour.

"The main task of the special flight detachment" Russia "is to ensure the transportation of the first persons who are supposed to do it in accordance with the law," the head of the Aviaport branch agency Oleg Panteleev told RBC.

On the site of the President's managerial divisions, which manages Russia, it is written that the company is transporting the president, the head of government, the head of the Federation Council, the speaker of the State Duma, the chairmen of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts, the prosecutor general, the chairman of the Investigative Committee, the head of the presidential administration and the foreign minister cases.

Panteleev explained that often, for example, another one or several planes are flying with the president, on which the advanced detachment that is preparing the visit is flying, the pool of journalists.

British The Daily Telegraph previously claimed that the cargo was sent to Russia by plane of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, who was in Buenos Aires negotiating with Argentinean President Mauricio Macri. Later, a source in the apparatus of the Russian Security Council denied Interfax information that the plane of Security Council Secretary Patrushev was involved in an operation to stop the supply of cocaine from Argentina to Europe.

According to the Argentine authorities, a suitcase with cocaine on the school grounds at the Russian Embassy on December 13, 2016 was discovered by one of the employees of the Russian diplomatic mission. To track down the fate of the cargo, cocaine was replaced with flour, and the suitcases with the GPS beacons embedded in them were left in place. The cargo, as official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova informed, belonged to the staff member of the technical staff of the embassy who had finished his work on a fixed-term employment contract by that time.

During the year, intruders, among whom were a technical employee of the Russian embassy Abyanov and police officer Ivan Bliznyuk, could not transfer the cargo to Russia. Complicated by the fact that Abyanov returned to Moscow. Prior to Patrushev's visit, Abyanov requested the delivery of cocaine under the guise of his personal belongings with a diplomatic courier.

Abyanov was arrested on February 22 in Moscow, Bliznyuk the day before. Back in December, the police detained Vladimir Kalmykov and Ishtimir Khudzhamov, who came to pick up their suitcases from Argentina. The Russian Foreign Ministry clarified that the disclosure of the drug supply channel was the result of a joint operation of Russian and Argentine special services.