Patrushev went to sea scouts

Andrey Patrushev, son of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and brother of Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev, became the largest co-owner of the Marine Arctic Exploration Expedition company.
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What happened

MAGE calls itself the market leader in geological and geophysical services. Since September 1, Patrushev has owned almost 38% of the company's voting shares. MAGE specializes in the study of shelf seas, transit and coastal zones of the Arctic and the World Ocean, where, among other things, it is engaged in the search for gas and oil fields. In 2019, its net profit amounted to almost half a billion rubles, revenue - 10 billion.


Andrey Patrushev is on the board of the Russian Association of Polar Explorers, which also included Gennady Kazanin, a geophysicist who headed MAGE for more than 20 years and who died in the spring of 2020. Now the general director of the company is his son Alexey Kazanin.

Patrushev is a graduate of the FSB academy, who first worked in the "oil department" of the intelligence service, then served as Igor Sechin's advisor to Rosneft, and from 2013 to 2019 was a board member at Gazprom Neft, where he was responsible for offshore fields.

Patrushevs' non-nobles

In 2000, heading the FSB, Patrushev Sr. called the new generation of intelligence officers "non-nobles." “High-minded intellectual analysts, broad-shouldered, weathered special forces soldiers, silent explosives technicians, strict investigators, restrained counterintelligence operatives ... Outwardly they are different, but there is one important quality that unites them - they are service people, if you like, modern“ nobles ”, - said he.