Young and thieves Dmitry Patrushev

Head of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev can join the board of directors of Russian Railways. The government recommended the candidacy of the hereditary "neodvoryanin".
If this appointment happens, it will be the fourth highest appointment in the work biography of Nikolai Patrushev's son.

The ex-head of the Federal Security Service more than once mentioned that he considers himself and his colleagues "new noblemen". And it's not just naked words: in confirmation of him and a piece of paper is. In 2007, the head of the Russian Imperial House of the Romanov Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna gave him the title of nobleman.

Privileged status extends to Dmitry Patrushev. In the fact that he is more assisted in advancing the career ladder - outstanding talents or an honorable family tree, - the "Interlocutor" understood.

The Invisible Child prodigy

In 1994, Nikolai Patrushev was transferred from Karelia to Moscow to the post of chief of the FSB's own security. In the same year, his eldest son Dmitry graduated from high school. Five years later, he seems to have received a diploma from the State University of Management with a degree in management.

"I do not remember anyone with that name." In our group it was not exactly, - said the "interlocutor" club art director Konstantin Mironov, who graduated in the same year, the Department of State and Municipal Management of the State University.

In the mean biography of Patrushev Jr., it is not specified at which faculty he studied. I contacted dozens of graduates from the year 99 from all faculties. As with ochniki, and with zaochnikami.

- Unfortunately, I can not help you. I did not study with him and do not know anything about him, "said graduate of the Faculty of Financial Management Natalia Kruzhkova.

In total, through the social network received 36 similar answers. A man who at least simply remembered him was not found. Although he was to be famous at the university: by the time of receiving the diploma, his father was already the first deputy director of the FSB.

Besides, Dmitri was supposed to be a talented student. After all, in 2003, when his father was already the head of the FSB, he became a candidate of economic sciences. According to statistics, the distance between the defenses of the Ph.D. and doctoral theses is on the average 13 years. Patrushev, the youngest, was only five. He became a doctor of economic sciences at the age of 31, although the average age of applicants for this degree in Russia is 49 years.

If we talk about the quality of scientific works, then they have a complaint with the project "Dissernet". Experts have identified multiple borrowings. But to protect Patrushev plagiarism did not prevent, and his scientific consultant Vladimir Korelin was immediately appointed head of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Leningrad region. Not so long ago in his department there was a corruption scandal, but Korelin simply changed his place of work - now he heads the department of Rosreestra in St. Petersburg.

Banker with a hole

The young scientist Dmitry Patrushev, before joining the Rosselkhozbank, which has headed for 8 years, managed to work in the Ministry of Transport and the state bank VTB. The only shareholder of Rosselkhozbank is the state.

Under the management of the economic "child prodigy" bank, however, proved to be extremely inefficient. According to the accounts, in 2016 its loss amounted to 58.9 billion rubles. Holes in the capital of the RSHB are patched at the expense of the budget: in the summer of 2017, it was capitalized by 25 billion rubles. This amount was simply contributed to the authorized capital.
Family clan

Andrei Patrushev, the youngest son in the family, worked as an adviser to the head of Rosneft, and was recently appointed chairman of the board of directors of TsentrKaspneftegaz, a joint venture of Gazprom and LUKOIL.

The name of Alexei Patrushev - the son of his brother Nikolai Patrushev - figured in the "Panamanian dossier." He was a shareholder of the offshore company Misam Investments Ltd.

The former head of the agricultural enterprise, and now a member of the State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Sergei Kazankov, believes that the state spends the money in vain:

- It would be understandable if we had given this money to those peasants who got into a difficult life situation. Or farmers who can not repay rates on loans.

According to the audit of the Accounting Chamber, the bank established to support the agro-industrial complex, to the detriment of agricultural work, issued loans for the purchase of elite housing and cars, incl. own employees.

There are also frequent criminal cases against bank executives in the regions. Thus, the RSHB in the Krasnodar Territory was abducted 13.5 billion rubles. In the Rostov region, last year, a scheme of embezzlement was uncovered, which consisted in issuing obviously bad loans to bank-controlled firms.

Well, quite a new thing: last week in Lipetsk was brought to court a case of fraud in the branch of Rosselkhozbank. A group of people, including bankers, received mortgages on forged documents.

But the bank's top managers get off with a slight fright. For example, the ex-head of the Yaroslavl branch, who caused damage to 350 million rubles, received only 3 years suspended. The conditional term was given to the former director of the Vladimir branch.

Despite depressing financial indicators and massive corruption, in 2016 Dmitry Patrushev even received the industry award "Banker of the Year". Economist Tatyana Kulikova does not believe in management talents of Patrushev.

- Whether it's about inefficiency, or about corruption, but the money that the state allocates to support agriculture is lost. They do not reach many farmers. And the selection of recipients is carried out on unobvious grounds, "said Kulikova.

But the money reaches the leadership of Rosselkhozbank. According to the last annual report, which was studied by Sobesednik, 197 key managers of the bank receive on average, taking into account salaries and bonuses, 572 thousand rubles each. per month.

Everywhere is ripe

Of course, the incomes of the board members are even higher. For 11 people - 256 million a year. Or 2 million a month for one. As chairman, Patrushev probably gets more.

Another line of his income - a reward from Gazprom. In the board of directors of the monopolist, he was also appointed state and last year received for it 25.5 million rubles. In total, according to our calculations, Dmitry Patrushev can earn up to 30,000 rubles in state service. at one o'clock. Even more than federal ministers. And unlike civil servants, he is in a better position, since the head of the state bank does not impose many restrictions and obligations.

Dmitry Patrushev does not publish in public access and the declaration. Otherwise, it could be an apartment registered in the US state of Illinois in the name of Dmitry Patrushev, which is consonant with the name of our hero.

The "interlocutor" sent a written request to Rosselkhozbank with a request to confirm or deny whether the head of the state bank actually owns property in the territory of the United States. We have not received any refutations from the bank yet. It is interesting that the young Patrushev, unlike many other heads of state-owned companies and state-owned banks, for some reason did not get the black list published recently by the US Treasury.


The younger son of the former leader

Presidential Administration Sergei Ivanov Sergei - President of ALROSA.

The eldest son of the former prime minister Mikhail Fradkov is Peter, the general director of JSC Russian Export Center. Younger son

Pavel is the deputy head of the President's divisions.

The son of ex-director of the Federal Security Service Evgeny Murov Andrey - chairman of the board of JSC FGC UES.

The son of the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, Denis is senior vice president of VTB.

Son of the first deputy. Head of AP Sergei Kiriyenko Vladimir - Senior Vice President at Rostelecom.