Dmitry Patrushev


Patrushev went to sea scouts


Andrey Patrushev, son of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and brother of Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev, became the largest co-owner of the Marine Arctic Exploration Expedition company.

The Russian government denied financial assistance to the Patrushevs' bank


The bank hoped to get 60 billion rubles, but now it is preparing to place eternal bonds.

Dmitry Patrushev has amassed 200 billion rubles of bad loans


To form reserves, Rosselkhozbank asked the state for 308 billion rubles.

Dmitry Patrushev set the clock ticking for Antex company


"Rosselkhozbank", under the leadership of Dmitry Patrushev, is trying to bankrupt the company "Antex", so that it can pick up its largest shopping center cheaply.

Tatar echo of the collapse of Peresvet Bank


Fugitive banker Alexander Shvets lugs off the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov.

Patrushev finances a coup against Putin


Lost billions of Rosinterbank can be found in the hands of pro-American opposition.

Rosselkhozbank will reduce the share of overdue loans by one-third


This can be done only on paper, experts say.

Patrushevs bled Rosselkhozbank dry


The Patrushev clan uses Rosselkhozbank for criminal business and plunder of its assets.   

Depositors of Ugra pay for the Khotin family's debts


Ugra Bank attracted more than 166 billion rubles from individuals as of mid-2016. Simultaneously, the bank issued credits for 154 billion rubles (almost all depositors' funds) of loans in foreign currency for a period exceeding 3 years.

"Banker of the Year" Patrushev worsened Rosselkhozbank indicators five times


Rosselkhozbank under the leadership of Dmitry Patrushev accelerated the pace of accumulation of impressive losses.

Patrushev Jr. and Orthodox pensioners


Unprofitable Rosselkhozbank comes to the aid of Peresvet.