

Sochi 2014: how did the Olympics end for Russia


In early 2014, the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi had all chances to become the main event of the year in Russia, but then they pushed aside by other, more gloomy events. However, the Olympics was too big an event to give an unambiguous assessment to it.

Olimpstroy owes about 6 billion rubles to business partners


On October 14 ended the deadline for contractors to put forward claims against Olympstroy established in 2007. RBC has found claims against the dissolving state-owned corporation in the total amount of 5.8 billion rubles on the website of the commercial court. 

How Russia's richest businessmen participated in the preparation for the Olympic Games


Billionaires actively invested in the Olympic games and executed state contracts, but faced the same organizational problems, as all the rest participants of the "construction project of the century". 

After the Olympics


What will happen to the Olympic facilities after 2014?

Millions were found out of biliions stolen from "Olimpstroy"


The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, at the request of the investigative department of the Russian Interior Ministry arrested the general director of LLC "IR" Tekhnoprom Viktor Matveyev,  who is suspected of embezzling more than 50 million rubles allocated for the construction of Olympic facilities, as informed the RBC agency on September 3, citing the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.