After the Olympics

What will happen to the Olympic facilities after 2014?
Origin source

In early December, the entire Runet laughed at the "news" that Russia buys from Israel snowmaking machines for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The news was pozaproshlogodnie a fake, but it willingly discussed. Because the situation is not so far from reality: machines for the production of snow really purchased, but not the Jews and the Finns, and not because in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana is no snow, but because he does not meet the requirements of the International Olympic Committee.

And like our pointless expenses are not the richest country will be after the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. All Olympic facilities, which will remain on the games, all the stadiums and sports facilities are stored in full, and almost all of the costs for their maintenance are borne by Russian taxpayers. It is tens of billions of rubles a year.

"Goldmine" Dmitry Kozak

"This is your gold mine, so to speak, an oil well," - said the curator of Olympic construction projects, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, in September 2011, at a meeting on the Olympic legacy, aboutmarketing roads, hotels and other infrastructure, re-created in the city.

Sochi, according to the authorities, should become a major year-round resort in the country. This resort two clusters: Krasnaya Polyana, which will be an all-Russian center for ski tourism and Imereti lowland, which is formed sports, exhibition and resort cluster. As a result, the flow of tourists by 2015 will increase to 7 million people, which is about one and a half times more than in 2007, a year before the ad Sochi to host the Olympic Games.

Whether rights Deputy Prime Minister, time will tell, but for now that the Olympic construction has become a gold mine for many contractors: they have mastered orders for 1.5 trillion rubles, mainly the budget.. This amount is five times higher than originally planned in 2007 budget of the Games has broken all world records in Olympic construction projects. And this gold mine to its developers are not exhausted.

In the Imereti lowland, where are located the main Olympic venues -. The central stadium "Fischt" Big and Small ice rinks, Station, Olympic Village, etc., broken gravel etc.lyazh, it is a natural coastal protection of the city. Now, for the maintenance of coastal protection need to spend hundreds of millions of rubles annually, otherwise the city will flood the. But where will the money Sochi, no one says (see. "To» №43, 2013).

The peculiarity of our Olympic Games is that we have built two Olympic cluster in place of natural reserves - in Imeretinke and mountains in Krasnaya Polyana, whereas in London and Vancouver Games performed where previously housed the industrial zone. Sochi Olympics to pay for a high price, and the price this - the destruction of natural habitats. In addition, construction projects are implemented where earthquakes occur frequently up to 8 points and landslides, under which destroyed buildings.

Stadiums remain

In February 2013 the Russian Ministry of Regional Development presented a program of post-Olympic Sochi. According to the document, the number of sports facilities after the Games will not decrease in any of the two locations of the Winter Games - in the Imereti Valley, nor in Krasnaya Polyana. In Imeretinke saved all five stadiums: the central "Fischt", big and small ice apus, curling center "Ice Cube", "Iceberg" Skating. "Fischt" (40 000 seats), Big Ice Arena (12,000 spectators) and the curling facility (3,000 seats) will be used for sports and concert events.

Minor ice arena ( "puck") repurpose under Russian Children's fitness center. In November, made the corresponding order of the RF Government # 2081-p. Although until recently, "Puck" curling center, training ice arena for hockey and "Iceberg" would be dismantled and transported to other regions. But the building of the "Puck" is designed for operation in the conditions of a possible earthquake, so dismantlement of its irrational and costly, said "To" the deputy director for capital construction and investment UMMC Vyacheslav Akimov. From the "Berg" refused to Stavropol: the authorities of 200 million rubles edge. his movement seemed excessive waste.

Varlam Abzianidze, General Director of LLC "ICC" Slavoblast "built the curling center" Ice Cube ", he said the" To ":" We had two options for our transferStadium - in the Rostov region and the Moscow region. But we thought and decided that it is advisable to leave in place. And there is a government order about this. In the Imereti lowland all the stadiums are different in purpose and capacity. Our - the most mobile. The platform for three thousand seats easier to sell under any type of event: a concert, basketball, ice show, etc. To accommodate the ice arena for any other event, you need to buy a special coating, its highest price - 10 million rubles. ".

It is worth remembering the fate of Olympic facilities in other countries.

In Athens, which hosted the XXVIII Summer Olympic Games, saved all sports facilities in 2004: they are also destroyed. In very poor condition staying water route for canoe slalom, a baseball stadium, an arena for competitions in handball and taekwondo.

Beijing stadium "Bird's Nest", built for the XXIX Summer Olympic Games in 2008, mostly empty, and its contents are spent each year to about $ 10 million. But here, at least, and bringing millions of tourists from around the world. And in the neighborhoodChinese capital of abandoned trails for bicycle motocross, rowing sports arena for beach volleyball.

Meanwhile, in London, which hosted the Summer Games in 2012 and the population exceeds the population of Sochi is more than 21 times (8.3 million vs. 381,000), demolished most of the Olympic venues. Only three Olympic Stadium, Palace of Water Sports and the Media Center. Olympic Stadium from 80 thousand's become a home arena for the football club, "West Ham" 60 000 beds, water sports palace - the water park, media center - in the data center.

The question arises: can the remaining in the Imereti Valley stadiums for 55 000 seats in total filled and work efficiently? Would it not be here, "cannibalism" effect, when the competition between the stadiums will destroy them? "Fischt", in addition to opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics and other Olympic events will be an arena for the football world championship in 2018 in the rest of the time here want to hold concerts and all kinds of events - so plan in the administration of Krasnodar region. One can not vspothe thread that the stadium "Luzhniki" in Moscow huge could not organize such a large number of concerts to exist only on the money from them: had to beat the market close. It was not until 2011 even less clarity with large ice arena, the content of which is the most expensive - about $ 10 million per year.

Change of owners

According to the program of regional development, such major sports venues, as "Fischt" Little Ice Arena, training arena for hockey, a change of ownership. "Fischt" will contain the Krasnodar region, "Iceberg" Minor ice arena and a training arena for hockey will receive the Ministry of Sports. When developed the document was unclear situation with jumps gornoturisticheskogo complex "Mountain Carousel", which is building of JSC "Krasnaya Polyana". It was at this time a scandal over inflated cost of the project, after which the co-investor resort Magomed Bilalov (he was then 41.2%) and his brother Ahmed Bilalov, the former head of state company "Resorts of the North Caucasus", the Board of Directors, have gone abroad. Today, 92.1% of JSC "Krasnaya Polyana" Vladeyut Sberbank structure ( "Sberbank Capital" and LLC "ICS Holding"), but "Sberbank" does not know yet who will include jumps after the Games. The bank refused to answer the question "To."

Almost all other sports facilities "Olimpstroy" will give the Ministry of Sports.

Of the 419 Olympic facilities in 165 will have new owners.

In 144 of them the process will begin in 2014

But in the program there are no calculations on the post-Olympic funding of these facilities. Ministry of Sports Expenditure on the maintenance of only counted when the document was released.

What are they in the Ministry of Sports do not know up to now, although it was adopted by the Russian Federation budget for 2014
Krasnodar Region has issued the investment development program in 2014 for 2018 which provided for the expenses on conversion of two sports facilities. But its status is unclear whether the program does not say in the Krasnodar Territory Administration approved.

On the edge

Krasnodar Territory is going to allocate over 20 billion rubles. from 2014 to 2018, on the post-Olympic spending, the figure recorded in the regional sub-program on postlimpiyskomu use of Olympic facilities in the 2014-2018 biennium.
18.8 billion rubles. will go to the organization of sporting events and sports facilities maintenance required for their implementation. Among these events are called and racing, "Formula 1" series. The money will be allocated in the form of subsidies of "Transfer Center building complex technologies" Omega "of Krasnodar region, wholly owned by the Krasnodar region.

More than 2.1 billion rubles. budget investment is the same, "Omega" will receive in 2014 for the redevelopment of the Main Media Centre and indoor skating center. After the Olympics, they will be used, respectively, as a trading and exhibition complexes. As a result, 90 000 square meters will be in Sochi. m of new retail and 20 000 sq. m of exhibition space.

March 30, 2013 at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on the post-Olympic use of objects Games program is enriched with new details. The skating center (an area of ​​more than 20 000 sq. M) in 2014, in September will be held the first international investment forum Sochi, said the governorKrasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev. "And then this project will work year-round as the exhibition center, as happens in Hanover, Nice" - said Tkachev.

"The Media Center (160 000 sq m.) - Governor continued, - planned to place a huge shopping mall, taking into account the practices and Dubai, and other resorts. And many retail chains have expressed their desire. "

Here, in the Olympic Park Imereti Valley, the population increased by 100 000 by summer visitors and buyers of new apartments. And they will need a mall for shopping. How is the conversion of the media center and indoor skating center, which Tkachev said the president, to find out from OJSC "Omega" failed: Krasnodar and Sochi company phones do not work, and also to the letters do not respond there. In the administration of Krasnodar region and there are no answers to these questions. Tatiana Klyuchinskaya, Head of retail space Jones Lang LaSalle, knows about this project: "We studied the plans for reformatting media center in the Imereti Valley in the shopping mall, and is generally well evaluated neprospects of the project. The one big but: shopping center- "hundred-thousanders" may be here in demand in the event that will be fully implemented by the conversion program in the Imereti high center of gravity - the construction of "Sochi-Park" analog "Disneyland", the transfer of all the major events in Sochi etc. It has to be supported at the state level and controlled. However, we must understand that the Olympics should first go and start restructuring sports facilities, and only then you can think about passing the mall for rent. While retailers are not prepared to enter into the project, they need to see the real prospect that something is being done. I think about the brokerage SEC can think not before 2015 ".

It seems that the administration of Krasnodar region the representation of the timing of the shopping center project: the money it allocates the budget already in 2014 and 2015 funding is not provided.

The situation is similar to the exhibition center. But, unlike the mall, where the whole process is only hiring a management company. So far, neither Jones Lang LaSalle, nor to the other major internationalsaltingovye company in commercial real estate, such as CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield and Knightfrank, not hired as brokers for the selection of the pool of tenants for the new shopping mall in Imeretinke.

And again, in the program of the Krasnodar Territory does not say anything about the cost of maintaining the "Fischt" central stadium, which also went to the region.

Sport School instead of the circus

Small ice arena for 7000 seats (the second largest ice hockey stadium during the Games in Sochi) is located in the Olympic Park between the large ice arena and the central stadium. It was built by billionaire UGMK Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev. The Corporation has spent on the subject of 3 billion rubles. and gave the arena the State, giving it to contain.
In the Krasnodar Territory administration had an idea - to make a circus here.

The authorities could not know that from the Imereti nothing is impossible to carry on the mind nym prices, but until recently discussed the possibility of transfer of the stadiums, including the "Puck".

Russian President Hockey Federation Vladislav Tretyak said on March meeting convinced VladYmir Putin to open a children's sports school at the same time creating a team for youth and higher Hockey League. "Already in the big leagues is one of the Kuban team. Will not lie, great people walk, and three thousand for the stadium is not enough.

Next, we are accustomed to hockey fans, as in America, in Anaheim, Los Angeles. Everybody was laughing, that there will never be hockey and get your tickets now impossible. And in the future, of course, there may be a Continental Hockey League "- painted perspectives Vladislav Tretiak.

Tretiak also asked for accommodation for the athletes who will come here to get ready. As long as they go to Turkey and Finland - so it is cheaper. But to hold meetings in Sochi, you need to lower the price of air tickets. Putin supported Tretiak, offered as an option to redeem the apartment to the players in the Olympic village, built by the company of Oleg Deripaska. The President recommended the formation of the All-Russian children's sports and education center and also in the mountain cluster for skiers, biathlon, snowboarding. But about the flights, he said nothing. In this December, andviabilety to Sochi from Moscow and from Moscow to Sochi can be bought for 7,000 rubles., if you fly to Sochi flight Vim Avia, and back "Yakutsk Airlines." Airline "Dobrolet" promises the price of their tickets by 40% cheaper than its competitors, but it's only going to happen in the spring of 2014, after the Games. During the Olympic Games tickets will rise in price, reported "Co" in the agency for the sale of "white bridge" tickets.

Another aspect - the palace of winter sports "Iceberg", which in 2014 will host the figure skating and short-track, cycling track are converted to an international level and training base for figure skating. On the basis of the president has asked trainer and consultant Figure Skating Federation of Russia Tatiana Tarasova.

The president agreed with this.

It was agreed to May 15, 2013 to calculate how much it will cost.

In November, the government issued a decree of the Russian Federation № 2081-r, under which created the All-Russia children's fitness center at the Maly Ice Palace and the training of the ice arena for hockey (it is also in the Imereti lowland). This scene would be transported toStavropol. But athletes have convinced the leadership to leave it in place. However, in this possession it makes no mention of the palace of winter sports "Iceberg", the basis for the future of figure skating. Time for a new order has not.

In the Figure Skating Federation could not comment on the situation.

In an order signed by the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, and not a word about money.

Now in December, but the calculations on the contents of the post-Olympic sports facilities there. The head of the press service of the Ministry of Sports Lyudmila Derevianko said "Ko", all data on the financing and maintenance of the facilities after the Winter Games have "Olimpstroya". But "Olimpstroy" also could not answer this question. The Russian budget for 2014 is also no separate article on the post-Olympic content of sports facilities. All this fog, which does not want to dispel any "Olimpstroj" nor in the Ministry of Sports, because post-Olympic use of sports facilities program was developed too late. She had appeared in 2007, along with the federal program for CREATEaniyu in Sochi resort year-round, but did not appear.

Hotels will have invectorov

For the reception the 2014 Olympics in Sochi built 25 new hotels in 15 000 rooms, all of which will remain with their investors. According to estimates of Cushman & Wakefield, in 2014

the amount of high-quality rooms in hotels will grow six times (!) in 2000 to more than 12 000. Earlier in Sochi entire hospitality industry is concentrated in the segment of up to three stars and was almost entirely demand in the beach season. With the advent of a more expensive proposal question with occupancy. All respondents "Co" hoteliers want two things: reduce the cost of tickets and the creation of a gambling zone in Sochi.

But the city is not one of the four special gambling zones, existing in Russia since July 2009. The resort city is simply no place to create it if you do not consider the option of redevelopment built stadiums for the Olympics in Imeretinke.

so probably it will happen if stadiums will be empty.

In the Imereti Valley for the state program preparation for the Games is built Azimut Hotels Sochi, the largest draweny complex in Europe - 3600 seats. He no longer Moscow's "Cosmos", which in 1777 rooms.

The developer of the project was the State Corporation "Kortros" billionaire Viktor Vekselberg. Azimut Hotels Sochi controlled by Azimut Hotels, owned by Alexander Klyachin. "Modern rooms, landscaped area of ​​360 000 sq. m, a large conference room, a modern SPA-center, night club, children's playgrounds, proximity to the sea (private beach) and to the mountains (30 minutes by train to the Krasnaya Polyana), plus reasonable prices make our hotel very attractive for tourists " - sure Natalia Korniychuk, director of marketing and PR GK Azimut Hotels. - We look forward to business tourism in vnekurortny season and reducing the cost of tickets. " Name the price of the room after the Olympic Games and predict occupancy hotel Natalya Korneichuk refused. But if not for the state order, the developer would not build such a giant hotel.

The second largest in Sochi hotel complex "Rosa Khutor" billionaire Vladimir Potanin is in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana.
Total number of rooms - 1029 plus 394 apartments. This abovest hotel, run by four operators. The cheapest rooms - in Heliopark Freestyle Rosa Khutor (3 stars). This hotel with 174 rooms is running less than a year. Room prices from 2650 RUB.

based on double occupancy. In addition, the Heliopark to manage 394 rooms Valset Apartments. "For the first year, the average annual loading of data objects was more than 60%, which, by itself, is a good indicator. In winter, during the high season, the hotel is filled to 100%, in the summer, during the low season, the hotel's main load were guests staying a long period at special rates. For example, developers who have worked on various projects in Krasnaya Polyana, as well as the organizers of the upcoming events, the IOC members, etc. ", -. Says Eugene Bugrovsky, COO Heliopark Group.

In summer, the Heliopark Freestyle Rosa Khutor live and builders working in the resort of "Gorki Gorod", is part of the ski complex "Mountain Carousel", which is building the Savings Bank. By the beginning of the Olympic Games in the "Gorki" have not yet been completed finishing work, pass the hotel and the builders do not have time to be living here and next summer.

Articleoit cabins in the mountains, apparently, it was more expensive. Construction here will continue after the Games, to the top of their built only a third of hotels. As will be filled mountain hotels in the summer, when the builders leave here still do not know, but the dream of the gambling zone and cheaper air fares.

It seems the only person, confident in its future commercial sports facility - is the investor of the complex "Rosa Khutor" Vladimir Potanin. According to him, in the summer of 2013, "Roza Khutor" was visited by 100,000 holidaymakers, and next year their number, according to the businessman, to reach 400 000. So, Vladimir Potanin, is confident that his participation in the creation of the Olympic infrastructure - it is really a business .