Millions were found out of biliions stolen from "Olimpstroy"

The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, at the request of the investigative department of the Russian Interior Ministry arrested the general director of LLC "IR" Tekhnoprom Viktor Matveyev,  who is suspected of embezzling more than 50 million rubles allocated for the construction of Olympic facilities, as informed the RBC agency on September 3, citing the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
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Tver Court of Moscow arrested for theft of 54 million in the construction of Olympic venues head of LLC "IR" Tehnoprom "Viktor Matveyev, who tried to escape from RossiiKonets quotes" During the preliminary investigation found that between the State Corporation on Construction of Olympic Venues and Development of Sochi ( "Olympstroy ") and SIA engineering company" Techprom "signed a contract for execution of engineering works, worth about 400 million rubles. in the framework LLC IC" Tehnoprom "agreement was requested to develop a common scheme of construction of Olympic facilities. The cost of this service is estimated by the parties in the amount of about 54 million rubles. According to investigators, the general director of LLC "Tehproma" Matveev presented in "Olympstroy" package fictitious documents on the implementation of the above work in its entirety, giving rise to the transfer of 53,939,157 rubles as payment to the account of his company, which subsequently, they were stolen, "- said Tuesday in a statement on the official saiare MIA.

However, interrogate the suspect in the fraud investigation failed Matveev.
"Immediately after the criminal case of fraud Matveev was hospitalized FGBI" Federal Center of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Almazov. " Three days later, he voluntarily left the hospital and went into hiding. Suspect declared the federal wanted list. August 31 Matveeva Petersburg police detained while trying to leave the territory of Russia, - says today to Lenta.Ru.
The site "Tehnoproma" reported that the company's head office is located in St. Petersburg. The branch was opened in Moscow in 2009. The company is engaged in the solution of engineering problems in the field of master planning, architecture, ecology and safety. "

"Investigative Department of the Interior Ministry is preparing to present a suspect charged with fraud in a large scale, committed by a group of persons with the use of his official position, - informs the edition" Caucasian Knot ".

Currently, former executives and founders of JSC "Krasnaya Polyana" and sovladace of "National Business Development Bank" (NBB) is suspected of illegally obtaining income and abuse of power in the construction of facilities for the Olympics in Sochi.

Prosecutors also suspect JSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" in tax fraud. Accounts Chamber when checking the company also revealed inefficient use of money.

With regard to the ex-chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" Ahmed Bilalova criminal case under the article on abuse of power. According to the Russian Interior Ministry, Ahmed Bilalov nahoditsya za predelami country. "

March 6 FLB Federal Investigation Agency's publication "One Bilalov will not do," said: "The published report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on the preparation for the Olympic Games in Sochi. In particular, it states that employees "Olimpstroya" set the stage for an unjustified increase in the cost of Olympic facilities by almost 16 billion rubles.

"The Audit Chamber revealed overstatement of the estimated cost of Olympic facilities in Cochi at 15.5 billion rubles. Such data are contained in the report of the joint venture, which was distributed to senators as part of my head Sergei Stepashin in the Federation Council Office, "- aired agency" Interfax ".

"The Accounting Chamber recommends the Government to fix the cost parameters for a proven sports facilities, the accuracy of which is confirmed by the state expertise," - wrote "Vedomosti".

"" Due to the unreliable particular the estimated cost of objects scanned by the Accounting Chamber (Bobsleigh track, the Great Ice Arena, etc.), project documentation for the sports facilities had a negative opinion of state examination ", - said in a joint venture materials that quoted online newspaper "Sight".

The report notes that checks carried out on the treatment of the Presidential Control of Russia. "

"" The officers of the Corporation adopted solutions that increase the value of objects, and the study of new settlements were absent, or are not sufficiently motivateprivate, not backed by actual needs additional capital expenditure, "- said the Accounts Chamber of the materials provided on Wednesday in the Federation Council - said" Kommersant Online ยป-. The activities of employees' Olimpstroya" has led to an increase in the estimated cost of objects on 15.5 billion . rubles "Project documentation for the sports facilities had a negative opinion of state examination", - concluded the experts of the Accounting Chamber.

In early February of embezzling 900 million rubles. He was suspected head of president of the state corporation apparatus "Olimpstroj" Victor Luchinkin - the newspaper reminds. - The investigation believes that the suspect "stole 900 million rubles by transfer to the accounts of companies controlled by him for the alleged work performed and services rendered.". In connection with the public response to the case against Mr. Luchinkin it was referred for investigation to the Investigative Department of the Russian Interior Ministry. "

"In early February, the Olympic facilities in Sochi inspected Russian President Vladimir Putin. In particular, the head of state, expressedZIL discontent with disruption of the timing commissioning springboard complex and appreciation of the project - to Lenta.Ru reminded. - As a result, the president demanded to remove from office the Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee and the head of the company "Resorts of the North Caucasus" (responsible for the erection of a number of sports facilities in Sochi) Ahmed Bilalova. Bilalov was eventually dismissed. Later, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said that the departure of Ahmed Bilalova positive impact on the pace of construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi.
In turn, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said that despite the lag in terms of construction of Olympic facilities, time schedule will be executed in time. "It was decided to provide additional financial guarantees for investors ... We are confident that the decisions taken will provide us with the Olympics on a high level", - he stressed. He added that about 200 developers have not fulfilled their obligations and have gone beyond the target date (1 January 2013), which were to be built infrastructure for the Olympic Games.

Goskorporadio "Olimpstroj" was created in 2007 to manage and coordinate the construction of Olympic facilities. It also implements a program to develop Sochi as a year-round mountain resort. President "Olimpstroya" is Sergey Gaplikov.

Earlier it was reported that the construction of 250 sports and infrastructure facilities in Sochi will be spent 195 billion rubles. "

"The amount for the preparation of the Olympic Games will be further increased and exceeds the 1.5 trillion rubles, - reported February 1, 2013 to

In preparation for the Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi, on January 1, 2013 has already been spent 1.136 trillion rubles, according to data in the materials for the meeting of the state commission for preparation and holding of the Olympic Games. According to the materials, the costs of these assets of investors totaled 737 billion rubles, and in general they constitute just over 1 trillion rubles. All in all the preparations for the Olympics will be spent 1.526 trillion rubles.

As he explained on the basis of the state commission Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, to the Olympic venues and facilities, to ensure their functioning, spent200 billion rubles (the ratio of the federal budget and funds of investors - about 50 to 50).

"Everything related to infrastructure development in the region, this is, if we talk about the federal budget about 500 billion rubles", - said Kozak.
Another 500 billion rubles accounted for the cost of development of Sochi and urban infrastructure not directly related to the Olympics.

"Of these, two-thirds - is the most expensive transport infrastructure," - Vice-Premier said, adding that all other costs - it means investors.

As for the program "The legacy of the Olympics", then, according to Kozak, has allowed the past differences on objects. He explained that, most likely, this program will be made by order of the Russian government. "We can not wait until the law is passed. The sooner we take a firm and final decision, the better ", - said Kozak."