Sochi 2014: how did the Olympics end for Russia

In early 2014, the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi had all chances to become the main event of the year in Russia, but then they pushed aside by other, more gloomy events. However, the Olympics was too big an event to give an unambiguous assessment to it.
Origin source
According to legend, the first Olympic Games established Hercules, somewhere between the cleansing of the Augean stables and taming the Cretan Bull, sixth and seventh exploits. The games themselves to offset the labors of Hercules did not go, but for Russia six-year history of the 2014 Olympics was the feat - perfect in the traditional Russian style. With a long swinging at the start of the project, a change of four chapters "Olimpstroya" for the first four years of the project and critically protracted construction of Olympic facilities, which had to finish a rush job in recent months. With a sudden "turn all of a sudden", the authorities turned to the first program of the Games cost 314 billion rubles. and replaced it with the program, "the construction of Olympic facilities and development of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort" with an uncertain and constantly rising costs, which ultimately amounted to 1.524 trillion rubles giant.

The number and characteristics of the Olympic venues are always changing, projects and budgets were revised. Thus, the most expensive object road Adler - Krasnaya Polyana, rose threefold to 285.4 billion rubles., - Source of fundingand responsible for the project is defined on the go. All this created a very fertile environment for the overestimation of projects and the cost of the work, as well as for "kickbacks", "cuts" and other familiar things to okolobyudzhetnyh projects. What part of the money allocated for the Games has been stolen, and which simply wasted, no one has figured out at the spring 2014 the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika said that because of violations of 55 criminal cases were initiated in preparation for the Olympics. Loudest began proceedings against Heads' "Engeocom" Association, NGO "Mostovik" (former CEO and main owner Oleg Shishova company was arrested in November 2014 on other charges) and brothers Ahmed and Magomed Bilalova, who managed to leave the country.

Most of the Sochi facilities was paid for with money from the budget and state-owned money, but not without the traditional mega-projects of recent years' public-private partnership. " As stated in charge of the games Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, the budget is spent directly on the Olympics 99 billion ru., And private investors - 114 billion rubles. (All figures exclude impact of infrastructure projects in the Greater Sochi). The largest private investors have become "Interros" Vladimir Potanin, "Basic Element" Oleg Deripaska and "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg, who invested personal funds issued their credit VEB.

Participation in the Olympic project for the major business was an offer one can not refuse: long before the Games it was clear that the investments will not be able to return ever - or no earlier than 25-30 years, which in the Russian reality is still the same "never ". But they continued to invest, as the Games were named the project of national importance. It is big business games are not undermined (at least not yet), but the company just on a smaller scale could not stand her cargo: bankrupt major builders of the Olympic facilities NGO "Mostovik" and "ETS", as well as builders Sochi roads CBD and "Tunnel unit - 44" . Due to the loss of the building has taken a beating revenue "Mostotrest" Arkady Rotenberg and "Transstroi" Deripaska.

But OliADCI began three weeks of absolute happiness for hundreds of millions of people around the world: only the opening of the Olympic Games 3 billion television viewers watched. Games in Sochi - a record-breaking performance of Russian athletes won the overall medal standings at the Olympics and Paralympics. It is the triumph of young skaters Julia Lipnitskaya and Adelina Sotnikova. These are two gold-bearer team, bobsledder Alexander Zubkov, who went to the top for almost 25 years. This victory for the Russian speakers of Korean and American Ana Victor Victor Wilde, who brought the team five gold medals. This is a fantastic men's ski race 50 km and the first ever fully Russian Olympic podium in this discipline.

Olympics at a Glance

1.524 trillion rubles. - Total costs for the Olympics
Of them:
359.1 billion rubles. - Spent Railways
224.1 billion rubles. - "Gazprom" (with subsidiaries)
169.1 billion rubles. - Krasnodar region
161.2 billion rubles. - Rosavtodor
139 billion rubles. - "Olimpstroy"

3 billion television viewers watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi
33 medals won the national team RSMAI in Sochi - a record for all the performances between Russia and the Soviet Union at the Winter Olympics

Source: "Olimpstroy" organizing committee "Sochi-2014", data NGO "Mostovik" RBC rating

The Olympics are not identified and does not show anything that we have and do not know about Russia. In Russia still bad with the planning, organization, management, efficiency and corruption. In Russia it is still doing well with warm hospitality, dedication and ability to solve difficult problems in the set time frame. Olympics could be carried out without a single serious incident - all except remembered not revealed until the end of the snowflake-ring, and it was possible to beat, turning to one of the "Sochi-2014" character.

It seemed that the Olympics has managed to trigger another, better attitude to Russia. In December, Google unveiled its traditional Statistics of search requests for the year: Games in Sochi entered the top ten. However, in the same top ten came in and the events around Ukraine, which are likely to have crossed all the achievements of the Olympics in the area. And it's also very in Russian: make all feasiblest to win the victory, and immediately a huge part of the results of this victory to lose.