

In search of eight billion


What is going on with the dividends of beneficiaries of Togliattiazot, Vladimir and Sergey Makhlaev.

Sochi 2014: how did the Olympics end for Russia


In early 2014, the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi had all chances to become the main event of the year in Russia, but then they pushed aside by other, more gloomy events. However, the Olympics was too big an event to give an unambiguous assessment to it.

How to make money on friendship with Sergey Chemezov


Vitaly Maschitsky is planning projects with Rostec worth billions of dollars.

Sochi willy-nilly: how Viktor Vekselberg became an Olympic investor


The billonaire has arranged an excursion around his hotel complex for Forbes and talked about the construction and who he was waiting for in his hotels.