

Investigation of the theft in the construction of the Arena Baltica in Kaliningrad is completed


The investigation of the thefts during the construction of the Arena Baltica in Kaliningrad is completed.

The investigation calculated the Summa


Brothers Magomedov charged.

One of the brothers Magomedov refused from family


The co-owner of the Suma group Magomed Magomedov considers it improper to accuse him of involvement in an organized criminal community. According to him, he practically did not communicate with his brother Ziyavudin Magomedov in 2014.

Group "Summa" hit the police sight


Ziyavudin Magomedov was detained in the embezzlement case, searches were carried out in the "Sum" group.

Budget millions buried in the sand


The contractor for the construction of the stadium for the World Cup disappeared abroad.

Which stadiums will not have time to build for the World Cup in Russia


Expenses for the construction of stadiums amounted to 390 billion rubles, which is 55 billion rubles more than the estimate for 2015. In this case, some stadiums risk being unfinished.

Another scandal erupted around Summa Group's subsidiary


The companies of the Magomedov brothers came into the spotlight in another construction scandal with embezzlement, this time in the Kaliningrad region.