Sberbank began to disembowel the legacy of the brothers Magomedov


Sberbank filed suits against the Yakutia fuel and energy company, which is part of the "Sum" group, by 4.4 billion rubles.

The accounts of the companies of the Suma Group of the Magomedov brothers were arrested


The Tverskoi Court of Moscow arrested the bank accounts of virtually all the structures in which the "Sum" Group owned significant shares. Among the victims - Podolsk Electromechanical Plant, which produces products for the Russian missile forces.

How the Magomedov brothers created their own business


The activities of Magomed and Ziyavudin Magomedov were chaotic: brothers engaged in trade, received orders through acquaintances, accumulated a heap of disparate assets, in which, as a rule, they had no control.

Group "Summa" hit the police sight


Ziyavudin Magomedov was detained in the embezzlement case, searches were carried out in the "Sum" group.