Another scandal erupted around Summa Group's subsidiary

The companies of the Magomedov brothers came into the spotlight in another construction scandal with embezzlement, this time in the Kaliningrad region.
Employees of the Department of Economic Security came with searches at the headquarters of the company "GlobalElectroservice" in Kaliningrad - also in the administration of the Kaliningrad region and the office of the holding "Summa Group" brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov. Police suspect Magomedov's structures in organizing a criminal scheme that allowed the state to extort more than 500 million rubles from overstating the cost of construction work.

In a particularly large

OJSC "GlobalElectroservice", a member of the "Sum" group of the Magomedov brothers in 2013, won a tender for the preparation of the territory for the construction of the Kaliningrad stadium (another name is Arena Baltika) on the Oktyabrsky Island. The stadium in Kaliningrad is being built specifically for the World Cup 2018, the planned deadline is November 2017.

The contract costing 785 million rubles provided for such types of work as a mound of one and a half million cubic meters of sand, the construction of high-tech drainage and the laying of temporary roads. "GlobalElectroservice" most subcontracted to local builders "Kaliningrad Alfa Stroi", "West" and "Geostroy", reporting on the implementation of the entire contract in 2014.

And almost immediately the problems began. The customer, represented by the Capital Construction Department of the Kaliningrad Region, accused the Magomedovs company of poor quality work and tried to force them to comply with the contract requirements through the court, but without success.

She added fuel to the fire and checked the regional switchgear. In 2015, the Control and Audit Office of the region announced such violations as overstating the project budget, as well as poor-quality or uncompleted work, estimating the amount of damage to the state of 20 million rubles. As the head of the cattle Yelena Seraya said, the most violations were found during the construction of the temporary road.

As a result, the customer wrote a statement to the police, which opened a criminal case on fraud in a particularly large amount (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Transfer of money from the budget

In recent years, the companies that are part of the holding "Summa Group", have become frequent figurants of scandals, when the customer accuses the general contractor of the failure to fulfill the terms of the contract. For example, the scandals surrounding the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater (in 2009, "Summa Capital" Magomedov acquired a controlling stake of the general contractor - the company CJSC "SUIproekt") periodically flare up to this day.

In 2011, Stroynovatsia, part of the Magomedov holding, won the tender of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport for the construction of the 147 kilometer long Kyzyl-Kuragino branch for a total of 44 billion rubles. But then Roszheldor broke the contract after the audit showed that "Stroynovatsiya" received an advance of 5 billion and bank guarantee of "Alfa-Bank" for 14.2 billion, but did not start the work.

In March last year, one of the suppliers of "Stroynovatsii" - the Russian-Korean joint venture "ELES-Ruspasifik" - filed a lawsuit demanding that the company be declared bankrupt. At the end of 2016, Rosavtodor terminated the contract with Stroynovatsiya to build the P-215 road in the territory of Kalmykia, because Magomedov's company as a general contractor had not fulfilled its obligations.

In March 2017, the Federal Antimonopoly Service ruled that the administration of the Novorossiysk Sea Transport Port (jointly owning Sum and Transneft) overstated tariffs for transshipment of cargo in violation of antimonopoly legislation, as a result of which FAS imposed a penalty on NCSP.

And the list of cases when the state customer has terminated the contract with "Stroynovatsiey", accusing Magomedovs of failing to fulfill their obligations, can continue and continue. The most common reason why customers do not want to continue cooperation with "Stroynovatsiey" is the failure of the timing of the general contractor.

It is for this reason that state customers have terminated the contract for the reconstruction of the runway of Khrabrovo airport (the customer - Rosaviatsiya, for the end date in December 2016, "Stroynovatsiya" performed only 29% of the works), the construction of the already mentioned railway Kyzyl-Kuragino and Etc. CC Avtodor demanded from the "Stroynovatsii" through court 2, 55 billion rubles penalty, referring to the failure of the timing of the preparation of the territory for the construction of the fourth section of the Central Ring Road (the cost of the contract - 6.2 billion rubles).

And "GlobalElectroservice" in recent years has generally earned itself a reputation as a troubled company. According to the system of professional analysis of markets and companies SPARK, dissatisfied customers filed against Magomedov about 40 lawsuits for a total of 180 million rubles. Most plaintiffs unanimously accuse "GlobalElectroservice" of not fulfilling its obligations.

Nevertheless, companies from the holding company "Summa" regularly receive large contracts, the work on the implementation of which is financed from the state budget of the Russian Federation. The most logical explanation of why state agencies and companies are associated with a problematic structure is Ziyavudin Magomedov's close relationship with Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who allegedly promotes the flourishing of the brothers' business empire.