Ministry of Transport of Russia


Operation "Heritage": what will happen to sports facilities after the World Cup


The preservation and effective use of stadiums built for the World Cup in 2018, will cost the budget more than 16 billion rubles. How is it planned to make the arenas of the World Cup payback and in demand.

The general director of the Russia-2018 Committee described how Russia was able to organize the best world championship


The general director of the organizing committee "Russia-2018" Alexei Sorokin tells how Russia could organize the best world championship in history and what consequences this success will have for the country.

Forbes has calculated the prize finalists of the 2018 world Cup


In the final of the World Cup, which was hosted by Russia, the French team defeated the Croatian team 4: 2. Forbes has calculated, what prize will receive finalists and other participants of competition.

The summit of Russia and the US can end with both a breakthrough and a failure


To repel the budget of the Russian Federation in the amount of 683 billion rubles will not work.

FIFA gained record profits thanks to the World Cup in Russia


Thanks to the 2018 World Cup, FIFA received record revenues of $ 6.1 billion. At the same time, the Russian Organizing Committee and the Russian budget took the main costs for the World Cup - more than $ 14 billion.

Russian authorities think how to load the arena of the 2018 World Cup


The content of stadiums built in Russia for the World Cup will cost 6 billion rubles per year. These costs will be assigned to the Russian regions, which will have to reconstruct these sites at their own expense.

The estimate of the most expensive Football Championship in history increased several times


The World Cup in Russia will be the most expensive in history, although the organizers refused some plans, and some of the objects failed to be delivered by the deadline. Taking into account the costs of the regions, the total budget of the championship will exceed $ 14 billion.

Five major scandals before the World Cup in Russia


Football World Cup 2018 could not do without the previous troubles. To all the time and "turnkey" - we are just not interested.

Russian athletes were enrolled in the leper caste


The head of the IOC, Thomas Bach, explained why Russian athletes are being removed from the Games in Pyeongchang.

The Mundial will leave Russia with debts


Why the World Cup 2018 causes more fear than hope.

Which stadiums will not have time to build for the World Cup in Russia


Expenses for the construction of stadiums amounted to 390 billion rubles, which is 55 billion rubles more than the estimate for 2015. In this case, some stadiums risk being unfinished.