The investigation calculated the Summa

Brothers Magomedov charged.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia presented to the co-owners of the "Sum" group Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov accusations of organizing a criminal community to steal budget funds. The brothers did not admit their guilt. The investigation, meanwhile, has already found the first participants of the alleged OPS.

Employees of the FSB and GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs detained the brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, as well as ex-head of the company "Intex" Artur Maxidov as early as March 30 this year. On the same day, all three of the investigators of the Interior Ministry's investigation department, Nikolai Budilo, announced that they were suspected of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 210 CC, Part 4 of Art. 159 and part 4 of Art. 160 CC (organization of the criminal community, especially large embezzlement and fraud). The next day, all three were arrested by decisions of the Tverskoi District Court. The suspicions in the FSO allowed the investigation to take the time to present the defendants with charges - the Code of Criminal Procedure allocates for this 45 days from the moment of being taken into custody.

However, the investigator Budilo did not wait for the expiration of this period. The other day he presented all three defendants with official charges, after which he interrogated them in a new procedural status. From the plot of the accusation, according to Kommersant sources in law enforcement agencies, it followed that Ziyavudin Magomedov, being the leader of the OPS, was responsible for it in the economy, and his brother Magomed provided political and military cover for illegal operations. Their closest associate, in this case, according to investigators, was Arthur Maxidov. The charge said that the Magomedov brothers organized six episodes of fraud and one embezzlement, the damage from which exceeded 2.5 billion rubles.

Two incriminated episodes, according to the investigation, were related to the preparation of the World Cup, which will be held this summer in Russia.

According to the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Magomedov brothers through the company GlobalElectroservice, which is part of the Suma group, organized the theft of budget funds allocated under the state contract for the construction of a football stadium on the October Island. According to investigators, the sand brought to the island by "GlobalElectroservice" was cheaper and less quality, and the company therefore received 500 million rubles. Another 650 million rubles., According to the investigation, businessmen Magomedov and Artur Maxidov brought fraud with the arrangement of the company headed by the last company Krestovsky, where the "Zenith Arena" was built.

According to "Kommersant", none of the three alleged organizers of the Ops did not admit their guilt. In particular, they drew the attention of the investigator to the fact that the management of Suma itself revealed violations in the incriminated brothers with an embezzlement in the United Grain Company, co-owned by the group. In this regard, an application was sent to the law enforcement agencies. In addition, the investigator allegedly was informed that the results of the operational-search activities conducted by the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which formed the basis for the accusation, are not supported by expert assessments. At the same time, defenders accused of comment "b" abstained. In particular, the lawyer Alexander Gofshtein, representing Ziyavudin Magomedov, motivated this by signing a nondisclosure, given the investigation.

March 30 expires the arrest of three alleged organizers of the TSO and the investigation will soon appeal to the Tverskoi District Court with an application for its extension. Earlier, we recall, the court rejected the collateral offered by the Magomedov brothers at 2.5 billion rubles.

At the same time, according to Kommersant's information, the investigation was preoccupied with the search for participants of the FSO. In the near future, the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is going to present the relevant department of the Interior Ministry with prospective accomplices of the fraud in Kaliningrad: Khachim Eristov, director of the Directorate for the Construction of Oriental Facilities of OJSC GlobalElectroservice, Amir Kushhov, the former Minister of Construction of the Kaliningrad Region and the Deputy Head of the Regional Office management of capital construction Sergei Tribunsky. All three were initially arrested for fraud, and between the May holidays in Tverskoy District Court extended their arrest to one year. After the accusation of participating in the PSO, these persons, like the brothers Magomedov, may be held in custody for up to one and a half years.