Concession concluded on the Northern latitudinal way

VTB can finance the railway megaproject.
After nearly two years of discussions, a concession agreement for the construction of the Northern Latitudinal Route railway was signed between Roszheldor and the SSH company specially created for the project (50.1% owned by the SSH management company Yuri Reylyan and Victor Pigin, the remaining 49 , 9% - to the daughter of Russian Railways “KRP-Invest”).

The idea of ​​building a road in the north of Western Siberia is not a dozen years. Active work on the project was resumed in 2006, and the project moved from a dead center in March 2017 - Russian Railways and Gazprom signed an agreement on its joint implementation. The entire project involves the construction of a bridge across the Ob with railway approaches, the Salekhard-Nadym railway line and a bridge over the Nadym. The concessionaire must provide financing, construction and operation of the Obskaya-Salekhard-Nadym line. The total length of the road under the concession is 353 km, its cost is 113 billion rubles, it followed from the materials for the project. The entire road, taking into account the construction and reconstruction of adjacent areas, is estimated at 236.7 billion rubles. Of these, 59 billion rubles. will go to the construction of the bridge, 61 billion rubles. - railway line, and almost 2 billion rubles. - bridge over Nadym.

The project budget will allocate 12.7 billion rubles. in the form of a capital grant, about 97.2 billion rubles more. investors were supposed to take out a loan. The shareholders themselves will contribute 1.8 billion rubles in capital to the project. If at the time of designing the project estimates increase by more than 10%, the investor will share this risk with the state, according to the project materials. The state promised to hedge the investor even if the cargo is not enough to pay off the road. VTB can provide a loan to the project, the first deputy chairman of VTB, Yuri Soloviev, said. The selection of sponsors should take place soon.

The road is needed to reduce transport routes from fields in Western Siberia to the ports of the Baltic, White and Barents seas. “The project combines a set of geopolitical advantages associated with the development of the northern territories, and also allows optimizing the timing and distance of transportation of a number of raw materials for export,” comments Mikhail Burmistrov, general director of Infoline-analytics. The Northern latitudinal railway will allow to connect the Northern and Sverdlovsk railways, reduce the transport arm for the shippers of the Urals Federal District, and also allow partially freeing up the Trans-Siberian power, he said. The project is of great importance for the development of transport infrastructure of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, said a representative of Russian Railways. The interest of private business in concessions is connected with the execution of construction works, concludes Burmistrov.