Veronica Skvortsova's house is bogged down in the courts

What prevents the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from completing and opening a federal center for a stroke in Moscow.
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The guards of the future Federal center for cerebrovascular pathology and stroke in the southwest of Moscow hope that the object entrusted to them will get rid of the shameful status of long-term construction by May 2018: "It remains to finish in detail". However, minor and major shortcomings, because of which the deadlines for the commissioning of a super-clinic worth no more than 9 billion rubles in Russia, which have no counterparts in Russia, have been regularly disrupted since 2014, they still require budget injections. And the Ministry of Health is now trying to recover the excess costs through the court with LLC "Sketch" - the main, but now the former general contractor of construction. In the difficult fate of a country so important and important for the Minister Veronica Skvortsova, the project tried to understand the Vademecum.

Last week, February 5, 2018, the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow considered the counter claims of the Directorate of a single customer-developer (DEZZ) of the Ministry of Health of Russia and OOO Eskiz. DEZZ intends to recover from the retired general contractor a forfeit for the delay in performing works in 194 million rubles, 329 million rubles, qualified by the plaintiff as "unjustified enrichment," and 1 billion rubles for uncompleted work. "Sketch" also requires 445 million rubles for rendered, but not paid for services. The Arbitration appointed an expert examination and the date of the next meeting - February 13, 2018.

The author of the idea of ​​creating the Federal Center for Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke Vademecum interlocutors familiar with this history unanimously recognize the acting Minister of Health. Indeed, to whom, as not Veronika Igorevna, bake that the industry received the most modern and powerful weapons in the fight against strokes, which became the main theme of her scientific and practical medical career.

In 1993, she defended her doctoral thesis "Clinical and neurophysiological monitoring, metabolic therapy in the acute period of ischemic stroke," and five years later she became head of the Department of Neurology of the Medical and Biological Faculty in her alma mater.

In 2005, Skvortsova was guided by the Institute of Stroke of Second Honey. It is this institution, according to the author's design, and should have been without a break from RNIMU him. Pirogov become a full-fledged federal scientific and practical center.

The epidemiological picture of the development plans of Veronika Igorevnya, alas, corresponded: 10 years ago, as, however, even now, stroke was leading among the causes of disability and mortality of the population.

"In 2005, 908 people (56%) died from vascular diseases from 1 610 deaths that occurred in 100 thousand of the population, 169 of them (18.7%) were of working age," Professor Skvortsova testified at the 2 nd Russian International Congress "Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke" in 2007.

By the order of the government dated February 8, 2007 №146 the project proposed by Veronika Skvortsova was included in the federal targeted investment program. The first 53 million rubles were allocated for the creation of the Stroke Center.

In 2009, thanks to the lobbying efforts of Skvortsova, who by that time took the post of Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development, the government decree No. 840, signed by Prime Minister Putin, about the allocation of 7 billion rubles for the construction of a profile federal medical center, was published. The document stipulated that the object with a total area of ​​56 thousand square meters. m must be put into operation no later than 2013.


"In 2010, we won an auction for the construction of the center. Head of the Directorate of the single customer-developer Alexander Volchansky said that the deputy minister would like to see us. We prepared and went to the Ministry of Health, where they were presented to Veronika Igorevna. They handed over our booklets, but she put them aside with the words: "Yes, yes, I read it. I would like you to listen to me, what I would like to see in this center. " Silent voice, which makes not only shut up, but also stop moving, "- recalls the first meeting with the customer of the deputy director of LLC" Sketch "Boris Schneivas.

Mutual understanding of counterparties has been established. Skvortsova sent the heads of the construction company together with the delegation of the Ministry of Health to Spain, Singapore, where they were shown advanced clinics, part of the technology which was planned to be reproduced in the Stroke Center.

In the explanatory note to the project documentation, which was coordinated, according to Schneivas personally, the deputy minister, it is said that customers want to get "an unprecedented medical center with the introduction of the newest medical technologies that have no analogues in the world."

A detailed study of the 171-page document makes it possible to visualize the representations of Veronica Skvortsova about the relevance and uniqueness. The center of the stroke was designed as consisting of four blocks, each with its own profile (in more details - in the infographics "Walls are being treated").

But everywhere the most qualitative, advanced and powerful: educational audiences, laboratories of all existing species, a hospital designed to treat 8.5-9 thousand patients per year and perform 550 operations, a polyclinic for 250 visits a day with a day hospital for 25 beds, a laboratory GMP, resuscitation, PET, CT, virtual reality, video cinematography, kinesitherapy.

One of the first telemedicine centers in the country was to appear in the complex, which, as stated in the draft, will "provide telemedicine assistance to regions of the Russian Federation around the clock."

In the list of top-bells and whistles - NBS, the system of navigation stimulation of the brain. "NBS allows you to map the working regions of the brain to the acute stage of a stroke, monitor dynamic changes in the cortical areas during the recovery period, which allows you to plan the volume and evaluate the results of the therapy," the project documentation explains.

It was planned to create a unique diagnostic link - four MRI devices, one of which should be in the operating room. The Ministry of Health "spied" this technology in the Singapore General Hospital, Schneivas says.

The DEZZ website of the Ministry of Health still hides an accelerated video of the construction of the center of the period "April 2011 - the end of 2012". The video shows: on the eve of the established PP No. 840 deadline, the contractor barely managed to start the lining of the building. "Due to the long period between the development of the first draft of the medical and technical task, the start of the design (2006), the commissioning of the federal center (2014), it became necessary to bring the project in line with the requirements of the latest achievements in medical science and medical technologies," - is indicated in the explanatory note to the adjusted project documentation, which Sketch was forced to order in 2013 to subcontractors - the company Arktika-SV-Project.


The first, from 2010, contract - for the arrangement of the zero cycle and the construction of a "box" - worth 4 billion rubles "Sketch", according to Boris Schneivas, performed in full.

The second - to complete the work and put the center into operation - for 2 billion rubles, according to customers, the general contractor failed.

"They did not meet the schedule," says Ivan Bezsmertny, deputy director of the DEZZ of the Ministry of Health. - I had to shift the opening of the center. In addition, they did not return us an advance of 453 million rubles. "

The contract with the Sketch was terminated by the Ministry of Health in December 2016, justifying its decision with a long series of claims: firstly, BFG-Credit, which issued a bank guarantee to the company, went bankrupt, and the contractor, despite warnings, did not provide a new guarantee. Secondly, the work was carried out with violations of the contract. Thirdly, the general remarks of the DEZZ did not eliminate the general contractor. And so on.

Representatives of the "Sketch", which has experience of relationships with the government customers no less serious than the Ministry of Health, (for example, the construction and reconstruction of the clinic by the President's managerial staff, FSB hospitals) - the view is different.

"Problems on this site began literally from the first month of construction. Under the terms of the contract, we were to receive documents for the project stage "P", which are structural features of the structure with calculations, and the stage "RD" - that is, the working documentation with detailed drawings, which we were supposed to adjust according to the contract, "says Schneivas .

According to his testimony, DEZZ of the Ministry of Health did not have any documentation on the "RD", in principle, and the "Sketch" had to be ordered by its above-mentioned "Arctic-SV-Project". Subcontractors from the "Arctic", according to Schneivas, found that the design documentation of stage "P" is full of mistakes: the supporting structures for the slabs were absent in some cases, the thickness of the slabs and foundation slabs was incorrectly determined.

"The number of elevators did not meet the technical requirements. Races in the ramps were proposed to set with a slope of 60 degrees. Is it like that at all? On the ninth floor there should have been a GMP laboratory, with no floor plan at all, on the project - a solid white spot. And how to get there engineering systems? There were hundreds of minor violations, the correction of which would radically change the whole project, "says Boris Schneivas.


But then, after long disputes, the parties nevertheless reached a compromise. However, the adjustments agreed with the customer increased the total area of ​​the object by almost 20 thousand square meters. m - the project required a new approval Glavgosekspertizy, which meant: the commissioning of the center is again postponed.

The atmosphere around the long-term construction was heated, law enforcement officers became interested in the stroke center. In relation to the head of the DEZZ Alexander Volchanskiy in 2015, a criminal case was opened on the article on abuse of office, Schneivas asserts.

The investigation is still ongoing - on January 28, 2018, the deputy director of OOO Eskiz once again interrogated the investigator. And here is what Volchansky himself told Vademecum about this: "Based on the results of the audit by the Accounting Chamber in 2013, the medical equipment was purchased for the center, the Prosecutor General's Office did not find anything, and the Investigative Committee instituted criminal proceedings, according to which I was held in the status of a suspect . At the end of 2015, the case was closed for lack of corpus delicti ".

The current activity of the investigative bodies is directly linked by the former head of DEZZ to the activities of OOO Sketch and the reasons for the delay in opening the Center for stroke. By the way, the predecessor of Volchanskiy at the post of director of DEZZ Vadim Mozhaev was arrested in 2010 for extorting $ 1 million from managers of the Moscow representative office of Toshiba.

And Anatoly Kolesnik, who came to replace Volchanskiy (it was he who signed the act on unilateral termination of the contract with OOO Eskiz on December 28, 2016), did not have a relationship with the law: in January 2017, the official was arrested on charges of taking bribes. In the court it was proved that Kolesnik demanded 4.2 million rubles from the leadership of the company AIC Engineering, which is building the Federal Dialysis Center in Volzhsky (another long-running building of the Ministry of Health since 2004).

However, the "Sketch" for its long history of carrying out solid state orders also managed to light up in several scandals. The construction company, for example, repeatedly complained to the State Hermitage Museum and even filed an application to include the enterprise that broke the terms of the contract in the register of unscrupulous suppliers. True, to no avail.

In response to these and similar accusations that sounded to the "Sketch" in 2015, Boris Schneivas told the Nevsky Novosti news agency that he "handed over his objects personally to Putin", and called the conflict with the "Hermitage" a working moment.

One way or another, the development of the Federal Center for cerebrovascular pathology and stroke, sponsored by Veronica Skvortsova, was entrusted to another contractor, the St. Petersburg Husser Group, which, however, had already failed to meet another government deadline.

And the old multi-year counterparties - DEZZ and Sketch - now meet in court: on February 5, the Moscow arbitration designated the cost of examinations that will help determine the guilt of the parties, and suggested that the "Sketch" select an auditor. The representative of the company announced readiness to entrust and pay - in the amount of 1.6 million rubles - to the Northwest Regional Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

The procedure should be completed within two months. At the same court hearing, the petition of the Husser GC on the involvement of its representatives in the consideration of the case as a third person, judge Olga Nikonova rejected.


Trying to assess the degree of readiness of the long-suffering Center for stroke to the opening and not receiving comments on this topic, either from the Ministry of Health, or from the RNIMU him. Pirogov, nor from the Husser GC, the correspondent of Vademecum went to the address of the object: ul. Ostrovityanova, ow. 1.

Where no one, except the one mentioned at the beginning of the history of the guard, did not find. To understand what shortcomings "in detail" to be eliminated and how much this "grinding" will drag on, the appearance of the building did not succeed. According to the same guard, video surveillance has not been installed at the site, some offices do not have furniture yet - to open the center, the interlocutor Vademecum estimated, it will be possible not earlier than May 2018.

"Licensing of all types of medical activities takes in practice no less than six months. So the clinic will be able to open at best in December 2018, "the manager of one of the federal medical centers shared with Vademecum.

The Department of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences believes that the full integration of such a large scientific and clinical center into the healthcare system can take much more time than its construction.

"The walls will be, the instruments will be. But the establishment of such a level of institutions needs at least 20-30 years. Setting up the work of the team, gaining experience, "says Academician Valery Beregovykh.

In the structure of the RAS, the Scientific Center for Neurology has been operating for more than 60 years - in fact, a direct competitor of the Federal Center of Stroke, which is being born with such difficulty. However, the director of the academic institute, Mikhail Piradov, does not feel any jealousy: "In Moscow, according to statistics, a stroke occurs every five minutes. And in the country - almost every minute. Speak about the fact that someone at someone's bread selects, this and in the mind there. There is nothing to divide, everyone has enough work - and not for a year, and not for 10 years. "

At the same time, Piradov does not doubt that the federal center will be able to negotiate with Moscow's healthcare in such a way that "fast" will be lined up for them to many thousands of meters. "

Agree with the DZM really have to - since early 2017 in the capital, there is an "insult network" of nine vascular centers, established on the basis of profile departments of city multi-profile hospitals.

The main task of these units is to provide assistance to those arriving by "fast" patients within 4.5 hours after the stroke, told the Moscow chief neurologist Nikolai Shamalov, citing statistics according to which every year 42,000 people with acute cerebral circulatory disorders enter the capital's hospitals. DZM intends to develop a network of stroke centers in the city, the next one was opened on the basis of GKB them. S.S. Yudin on January 18, 2018.