Vyacheslav Gaizer will be in jail half the time

The ex-governor of Komi and his associates have escaped conviction for the OPS.
Exactly half as much as the state prosecution requested, yesterday Zamoskvoretsky District Court appointed persons involved in the criminal case of embezzlement in the Komi Republic. The court did not recognize the ex-head of the region, Vyacheslav Gaizer, as the organizer of the criminal community, and sentenced him to 11 years of strict regime for fraud and bribery, while the Prosecutor General's Office requested 21 years to the strict regime colony. The case of another person involved in the court and completely stopped, and three of them condemned conditionally.

When sentencing in a high-profile case, the court found that the defendants were guilty of committing a crime under part 3 of art. 210 (organization of a criminal community with the use of an official position and participation in it) was not proved by the state prosecution. According to the court, the defendants acted as part of an organized group, rather than a community, which significantly influenced the terms assigned to them. Former heads of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer and Vladimir Torlopov were convicted by the court of accepting bribes and fraud, appointing them 11 and six and a half years in prison.

Aleksei Chernov, Deputy Mr. Gaizer, was appointed for nine years, and for entrepreneurs who were members of an organized criminal group, from eight and a half years to probation. Significantly reduced fines.

If the Prosecutor General’s Office asked Mr. Gaizer for a recovery of 0.5 billion rubles, he would have to pay 160 million rubles according to the court’s verdict. The same sum was decided by the court to recover from Mr Chernov.

Other convicted fines did not exceed 500 thousand rubles. At the same time, the court stopped the prosecution of one of the defendants, Lev Livenzon, due to the failure to prove the charges. Behind him and those of the defendants who were accused of OPS, recognized the right to rehabilitation.

The state prosecution will decide whether to appeal the verdict on appeal or not, having studied the materials of the court decision. The defense of the main defendants, who insisted on their acquittal, did not suit even a relatively lenient sentence. Lawyers are going to file an appeal to the Moscow City Court.

According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the embezzlement in Komi was organized by businessman Alexander Zarubin, who is on the international wanted list. Mr. Gaizer was called by the investigation the “think tank” of the OPS, which he entered back in 2005, being the Minister of Finance of the Republic. In 2005–2015, a group of officials and businessmen, according to the investigation, stole 100% of the shares of the Zelenetskaya poultry factory for 3.3 billion rubles, about 70 million rubles. from the Komi Investment Projects Support Fund, and also received bribes in the amount of about 200 million rubles, including for appointments to posts and general patronage, and also laundered part of the stolen money. The powers of Vyacheslav Gaizer as head of the republic, President Vladimir Putin ceased at the end of 2015. Vladimir Torlopov headed the Komi from 2001 to 2010. Then, until January 2014, he was a senator from this republic.

It should be noted that the former deputy chairman of the regional government, Konstantin Romadanov, who admitted his guilt, even in a special order received a period almost equivalent to that imposed on other persons involved in the usual judicial procedure - seven years of strict regime and a fine of 170 million rubles. The CEO of Komizhilstroy, Anton Fayershtein, committed suicide while under investigation, and another person involved in the scandalous case, businessman Alexei Sokolov, was killed in an accident.