Raiders who encroached on the assets of Alexander Mineev will be charged

An investigation into an attempt to raider seize the property of the founder of the party company was completed.
As Kommersant learned, the Main Investigative Department (GSU) of the Investigative Committee completed an investigation into a high-profile criminal case involving a raider seizure of the assets of the founder of the Partiya and Domino chain of stores Alexander Mineev, who was killed in January 2014. Seven people are involved in the case, the investigators consider the lawyer the wife of businessman Vadim Vedenin, financial director Mr. Mineev Sergey Tarasov and general directors of offshore companies Alexander Shibakov and Alexander Kaledin as the main participants in the fraud. Recently, Moscow courts have limited the persons involved in the terms of familiarization with the case materials, considering that they delay this procedure.

The investigation of the large-scale theft of assets of Alexander Mineev began with the fact that in June 2018 a criminal case was opened under part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a particularly large scale). In November of that year, people from the environment of businessman Mineev — Alexander Shibakov, Alexander Kaledin, Konstantin Vankov, Sergey Tarasov and Vadim Vedenin — were brought to trial. The materials were combined into one production.

It should be noted that law enforcement agencies became interested in the property of Alexander Mineev immediately after his murder.

Recall, the founder of the company "Party" was shot dead in January 2014 in the Queen of Moscow Region. Soon, in the materials of the case, which was led by the first management of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, a version appeared that the businessman was being killed because of his attempts to stop the raider seizure of his property: as it turned out, the entrepreneur had $ 1 billion worth of assets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which only through rental payments brought hundreds of thousands of dollars every month. The children of the entrepreneur living in London were recognized as victims, in 2014 the prosecutor’s office ordered the transfer of Mr. Mineev’s property belonging to them to Trans-Invest for safekeeping. Before that, the Babushkinsky court of Moscow seized property as an interim measure.

During the investigation, SKR employees came to the conclusion that the idea to take hold of the property of Mr. Mineev initially came from the former son-in-law of Boris Berezovsky, a well-known entrepreneur in the field of IT technologies, George Schuppe, as well as businessman Mikhail Nekrich, who lives in Switzerland (as he said “ Kommersant, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation tried to extradite both, but to no avail).

Based on the case materials, they decided to organize a raider seizure after Mr. Mineev moved to London in 2013, where he started a divorce proceedings with his wife Irina, having previously reassigned their assets to offshore in Belize and the Seychelles.

Details to the alleged organizers of the raider capture were reported by the former paratrooper Dmitry Kurilenko, who liked to introduce himself as a general of the SVR and at one time worked in the guard of Mr. Mineev. Kurilenko tried to attract Boris Karamatov, the former general director of Eurasia LLC, who managed the Russian assets of Alexander Mineev, to execute the criminal plan. Mr. Karamatov was asked to steal the constituent documents of all LLCs for which the property of Alexander Mineev was registered. For this service, as Mr. Karamatov, who concluded the deal with the prosecutor’s office, later said, George Shuppe and Mikhail Nekrich were ready to pay several million dollars. Having received a refusal from Karamatov, Kurylenko said in the case that same request was addressed to the head of the legal service and at the same time the managing director of offshore companies Mr. Mineev Yulia Yegorova (wanted), and she allegedly agreed by connecting Sergey Tarasov, the former financial director of Mr. Mineev, to the case , which, according to the investigation, had access to all the documentation, not only to the party’s bank accounts, but also to the personal accounts of his boss.

In the end, learning about the attempts to seize his property, Mr. Mineev flew to Russia, appealed to law enforcement agencies and hired lawyers who were involved in litigation with representatives of the law firm Forum Group CJSC, the founders of which, as a result of the investigation, were the CEOs of offshore companies Alexander Shibakov and Alexander Kaledin. According to the TFR, their criminal group also included Vadim Vedenin, the former lawyer of Mineev’s wife, and Konstantin Vankov, the top manager of the Party network. It was this firm, as a result of which the investigation established, tried to register Mr. Mineev’s property on its structures.

When the courts began to make decisions in favor of Mr. Mineev, a decision was made to liquidate him.

As follows from the testimony of Dmitry Kurilenko, the proposal allegedly came from Mikhail Nekrich, and the order was made by a native of Dagestan, Omar Suleymanov (is on the wanted list).

Soon, a separate episode appeared in the case of the raider group related to an attempt to seize a two-story restaurant in the capital in 2008. Forus Group employees Yuri Afindulov, Nikolai Kutsakin and Alexey Avedov are accused of this crime. Recently, the court limited all persons involved in the terms of familiarization with the case, after which the investigation was completed. In the near future, materials will be sent to the Prosecutor General for approval of the indictment.