Privy councillor: how the ex-head of Renova is associated with the "Gaizer's case"

There are 19 defendants in the case of fraud in Komi headed by the governor of the region Vyacheslav Gaizer. RBC investigated how the businessman and former general director of Renova Alexander Zarubin had become involved into that story.
Origin source
Last week it became known that a criminal case against members of the criminal community, in which, according to law enforcement officers, were the governor of Komi Vyacheslav Gaiser, his deputy Alexey Chernov, a former senator from Komi Yevgeny Samoilov - a total of 19 people, of whom 16 have been detained . One of those who are escaped arrest - businessman and former head of the "Renova" Alexander Zarubin. In 2008, "Finance" magazine estimated his fortune at $ 350 million. Its basis was 4% of the company Renova Industries, which owned all the industrial assets of the group "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg, except for the main (stakes in TNK-BP and UC Rusal) . At the end of 2006, the value of the company S & P estimated at $ 4.6 billion. On the job "Renova" Zarubin came in 2003 from the post of chief adviser to the former head of the Komi Republic Vladimir Torlopova.

Common friends

With the majority of defendants in the case Gayzer Zarubin had known for many years. In an interview with "Vedomosti" in 2008, the businessman said that he was in the Komi Republic in the early 1990s, "I arrived aftere army to stay with the mother [she moved to the new spouse], but remained for ten years. " The first money Zarubin, in his own words, trying to make a film distribution and one of the film premieres accidentally met with the then first deputy chairman of the Government of the Komi Torlopov. In 1993, he called 25-year-old entrepreneur to his assistants.

One year later, Zarubin was appointed vice-president, and later head of the established Russian Pension Fund Komisotsbanka. Deputy Zarubin bank was the future head of the region Vyacheslav Gaiser, in the same bank as an adviser to (first in Zarubin, then - at Gayzer) worked Valeriy Veselov, another person involved in a criminal case. With two more - Deputy Gayzer as governor of Komi Alexey Chernov and chairman of the State Council of the republic Igor Kovzel - Zarubin together studied at the St. Petersburg Marine Technical University.

"By the end of 1990 Zarubin rose to deputy chairman of the Pension Fund and moved to Moscow", - wrote "Vedomosti" from the words of the entrepreneur. His chair at the head of Komisotsbanka took Gaiser. Zarubin backed into provincesatorskih 2001 elections Torlopova and lobbied for the appointment of Gayzer in 2009, and generally considered informal "Komi owner", says in a conversation with RBC official close to the leadership of one of the northern regions. In 2002, in a similar way on the activities of Zarubin wrote Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Security Committee, the late MP from the Communist Party, Viktor Ilyukhin. In a letter to the presidential envoy in the Northwestern Federal District Viktor Cherkesov Ilyukhin reported that Zarubin allegedly disseminated information that Torlopov became the head of the republic only because of his "financial participation in the election campaign." Zarubin himself, according to the deputy, "actually trying to implement creeping redistribution of property in the country." What kind of property in question?

Coal and wood

One of the episodes mentioned by Ilyukhin concerned Syktyvkar. According to the deputy, "by crude pressure and blackmail" in the interests of a minority shareholder of the company - St. Petersburg Ilim Pulp Zakhar Smushkin and Zingarevich brothers - tried Zarubinsqueeze with their enterprise Anglo American competitor. Ilim Pulp has lost interest in the asset, after Anglo American in the early 2000s, had control of the plant, said the chairman of RBC Group "Ilim" board of directors Zakhar Smushkin. But the name Zarubin, according Smushkin he nothing said.

In 2002, according to Ilyukhin, in the interests of the group MDM Zarubin preparing the privatization of national stakes in coal companies' Vorkutaugol "and" Intaugol ". "According to the factual powers today the main head of the Komi economic adviser surpasses all Vice Prime Minister of the republic", - the deputy wrote.

In late 2002, the government really Komi signed an agreement with SUEK (then controlled by MDM Bank) to create a "Pechoraugol" company. In exchange for a 25% plus one share in the structure of government of the republic has made in its authorized capital of their stakes in "Vorkutaugol" and "Intauglja". SUEK has got 75% in the joint venture in exchange for the fulfillment of a number of obligations. But the company suddenly went out in 2003 fromcoal assets in the region in favor of "Severstal" Alexey Mordashov. A former top manager of SUEK, who worked in the company at the time, says he does not remember what Zarubin took part in the privatization and subsequent resale of national coal assets.

"Renova" Manager

His interests were in the Komi and "Renova" structures: in 1997 its aluminum holding SUAL has become a major shareholder of the company, "Timan Bauxite", which owned the license for development of the Middle Timan deposit, whose reserves of bauxite accounted for about a third of total Russian. its development project involved the construction of the railway, alumina refinery and aluminum smelter, and is estimated at over $ 2 billion. For a long time, SUAL tried to draw him a partner and in parallel increased its stake in "Timan Bauxite". "In 2003, the former governor of the Komi Republic Vladimir Torlopov whose adviser was Zarubin, declined to pre-emptive right to buy 25%" Timan Bauxite "in favor of the company Vekselberg», - Forbes magazine wrote.

billerg Zarubin took on the job is like a man who could solve many problems in the Komi Republic, even then his position were very strong in the country, says a source close to the leadership of one of the neighboring regions. Zarubin helped contacts at different levels of government, adding former employee of one of the federal agencies.

Parish Zarubin in "Renova" had nothing to do with his position in the Komi Republic, the source object in the company Vekselberg: by this time, "Renova" has been actively represented in the region and there is even a built Russia's first private railway road. Zarubin, according to RBC interlocutor, took to the company, because he "believes in the market a great manager, he was an active and spouting ideas." The representative of "Renova" Andrew Storch declined to comment.

Sam Zarubin in an interview with "Vedomosti" in 2008 described his acquaintance with Vekselberg and come to work in his company as follows: working in the FIU, at a meeting he met with German Khan, head of the Tyumen Oil Company, whose owners were "Alfa Group 'and blaquo; Renova ". After retiring from the Fund Khan, according to Zarubin, she invited him to settle in TNK promissory note scheme. While working there, he met and with Vekselberg. "When Zarubin briefly returned to public service [a half years he was the deputy presidential envoy in the Volga region Sergei Kiriyenko], Vekselberg said to him:" How to complete the project, come in "Renova", - wrote "Vedomosti".

In 2003 Zarubin came to the "Renova" to the position of director general in order to tackle the restructuring of asset Vekselberg - he divided them according to industry business units, and some companies offer shareholders to sell. Minority shareholders Renova Industries Zarubin, according to him, has become by buying part of the shares, and the other received a bonus.

The circumstances of the divorce with Zarubin "Renova" is not known. he ceased to be CEO of the holding company in 2005, but remained a deputy chairman of the group, overseeing it in relations with state authorities, public and HR. In 2009 Zarubin finally left the "Renova". Then he completely withdrew from the shareholders of Renova Industries, claims representativecompany without revealing details. Partners "went not so well, Vekselberg was unhappy Zarubin attempts to earn their own", says RBC source close to the Kremlin. "We can not say that Zarubin was gone with the scandal and in a bad way, just said goodbye to him without regret", - said a source in the "Renova".

Find assets in the Komi Republic, recorded directly in Zarubin, RBC failed. According to SPARC, he owned 50% of the local "Inkomtorg" companies "Tehnomaks" and "Promtsentr" engaged in intermediary services related to real estate. All three companies were liquidated in 2008-2009 (their last owner before elimination was Michael Hruzin, who is also a defendant in the criminal case of corruption in the Komi).

Contact by Zarubin failed. According to investigators, he is abroad. In the near future it will be on the wanted list, said on Monday the official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin.

Chickens and offshore

In 2007, the Agency of the Republic of Komi Power Managementuw Property Fund established support for investment projects, Komi Republic, which, as he wrote the local newspaper "Red Flag", was used for the "transfer of assets in the hands of private companies." Foundation headed by Igor Kudinov, another person involved in the case on the organization of a criminal community in Komi.

Among the companies, which was co-owner of the fund was "Poultry Zelenetskaya", the largest seller of birds in the region. In 2010, the campaign "Poultry Zelenetskaya" were transferred to "Metlizing", registered in Yekaterinburg, a majority of which (50.37%) belongs to the Cyprus offshore Grettonbay Trading Ltd. The owner of the offshore company, according to regional media is Zarubin. But check the RBC information failed: according to the register of Cyprus, it is owned by Afina Management Ltd. from the Seychelles, whose owners were not disclosed.

How did the privatization of "Poultry Zelenetskaya" unknown. But RBC law enforcement sources have previously reported that the government shares the poultry farm was exchanged for shares of illiquid companies. Under the same schemee of the state property, according to investigators, were withdrawn and some other industries, according to "Kommersant". During searches conducted at Gayzer weekend, were seized including Grettonbay Trading Ltd. tax certificates and Afina Management Ltd.