The bet for bookmakers was found in the Criminal Code

The case against the managers and employees of Rosbet was brought up.
The main investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (GKU SKR) in Moscow instituted proceedings against the leaders and employees of the large bookmaker office Rosbet. The basis was the fact that the office, according to the investigation, illegally organized bookmaking activities on the Internet. As a result, according to the SKR, Rosbet, through a criminal scheme, earned 100 million rubles.

The criminal prosecution of managers and employees of one of the largest Russian bookmaker offices LLC "Rosbet" today was reported to the State Security Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow. "Based on the results of the audit, a criminal case was brought against the founder of Rosbet, Alexander Mironov, the general director of the same organization, Alexander Frolov, as well as 16 other persons who are accomplices in the criminal group. They are accused of committing a crime, provided for under item "a" part 3 of Art. 171.2 of the Criminal Code (illegal organization and conduct of gambling, committed by an organized criminal group).

As the employees of the SKR found out during the pre-investigation check, the office illegally organized bookmaking activities on the Internet. Such facts were established by operatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate for ZAO Moscow, expert help was provided by the employees of the Kaspersky Lab. "According to the investigation, no later than March 2017 Mironov, in order to obtain financial benefits, developed a plan and entered into a criminal conspiracy with Frolov to create an organized criminal group," the investigation department said. "They organized illegal gambling activities outside the gambling zone with the use of gaming equipment and information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet, coupled with the extraction of income in a particularly large amount. "

According to the investigation, illegal activities were conducted by "Rosbet" at the points of reception of rates, while the employees of the office were clearly assigned responsibilities: some collected gaming equipment and installed software that allows to organize the game process with a monetary gain, while others provided Internet technical resources support, the third carried out financial documentation, etc.

According to preliminary information from the investigation, as a result of illegal activities, the criminal group extracted income for the amount of "not less than 100 million rubles."

"Currently, a legal entity is deprived of a license to carry out bookmaking activities," the GUS said. It should be noted that the license of the office was suspended last year too. Appropriate decisions on the requirements of the Federal Tax Service were accepted by the magistrates of judicial districts No. 416 and No. 477 of the Arbat district of Moscow, as well as the Presnensky Court of the capital.

Within the framework of the criminal case, with the support of the staff of Rosgvardia, investigators and operatives conducted more than 20 searches in office and residential premises located on the territory of Moscow, as well as in Moscow, Yaroslavl and Orel oblasts.

Alexander Frolov and another of the defendants were placed under house arrest, Alexander Mironov was declared a federal wanted list, the rest of them took a pledge not to leave the place.