Valery Pshenichny hanged himself in the absence of cellmates

In St. Petersburg, the suicide bomber struck a case of embezzlement of funds for a submarine.
In St. Petersburg, in the Chamber of Investigators, the Israeli had stood with his own in the main pieces of work on the vast majority of Minorboroughs in the construction of a submarine for the Rosicrucian fleet. Арестованный около месяца назад бывший гендиректор АО «New PRO» Валерий Пшеничный повесился, воспользовавшись временным отсутствием сокамерников. The Investigative Committee of the United Kingdom (SCA) has put forward a proposal for a suicide bomber.

The CP has taken 5 festivals in one of the SIZO-4 UFSIN RF camps in Saint-Petersburg and Leningradsko areas, which are located on the Lebedeva street. 56-year-old Valerie Przemyslawowski, 18 years old under arrest decision Октябрьского расусада, divided room with two juicy chambers, prooveschishmi on a different plot of landing. According to preliminary data, you will be able to find out what happened after that, and then click on it. About a 16-hour convoy, vernevashi in the cameroon by the underworld, renewed the body with the detachment of the arrestor.

How did they say "U" in the regional management of the SKA, on the CPC's bill, it leads to an in-depth inspection, a worry-free case. «По предварительным данным, Пшеничный совершил саубийство, мотивы которого выясняются», - specified in the investigation department.

Reminders, a large number of companies, which have come to the forefront of the companies «НовИТ ПРО» Валерий Пшеничный, было возбуждено ГСУ ГУ МВД in St. Petersburg and Leningradsko areas in decare 2017 yr. 4 sts. 159 UF RF (a particularly large-scale squabble). By version of the investigations, AO «New PRO» was in the framework of a contract worth 967 million rubles. received from Minorborough 400 million rubles. the advance, the project implementation work with the construction of the construction site «Admiralty» newy underwater boats. But, how do police work, стоимость работы была значительно завышена, and 100 million rubles. in advance bыло выведено со счетов «НовIT PRO» and hijacked organizatorii аферы. In the last three years, three major founders - Sojka and Bijsii Gendiorektor AO «Novit PRO» Valeriy Pheshinskiy, replacing the chief engineer AO «Admiralski verfi» Gleb Emelchenkov and Andrey Petrov, the head of the «New PRO» in the period of 2007 in 2016. As I said, it was precisely what Petrova had shown, that he had conceived a suf- ficient agreement to cooperate and gave testimony against the hypothetical, in essence, and the fundamental facts of the case. The regional police chief did not show the details of the cases.

According to the data, the hits were sold at 2016 yrs in the year 2017 yesterday. According to information on the portal, a contract for "developing tremendous models of the corpus, a public system and the project of the project 636 (" Warsawka "), and the creation of structural links between the tremendous model and the repair documentation, received by the company Novit PRO in 2015 years AO «51 Central Design and Technological Institute of Sudoremt» (CECS).

"The contract is locked with a company Whether we have purchased a single piece of equipment without a biker, we have no competitive procedure. In the volume, the main claimant was used in the "Admiralty". This project, which builds underwater boats (Project 636), operates a company's own scientific and technical center, which is capable of generating compensation for the model of the booming economy, "he said in a suicide business. In the case of a self-owned "U", the companies Valeria Pherechno work with a small-scale designer, who are working on a sophisticated model of production within a period of time that they are not excluded, and they could participate in an informal scientific and technical center "Admiralty's Verf". «Это было бы логичным шагом с учетом того, что верфь как головной исполнитель наказание на строительство имеет доступ, который технической документации на делодки», - отмечает один из судостроителей города.

AO «Novit PRO», ​​according to the data base «SPARK-Interfax», 75% belong to the pre-term deactivation in 2008 year ZAO «NoviT SPB». They are 25% of them belonging to a physical person. According to the historical history, which has been significant in qualitative formal enterprises, virtually everything has been controlled by Valeriy Pheshnyy.