Boris Mintz demanded from Dmitry Ananyev 3.9 billion rubles

This money demands to collect from "Promsvyazkapital" pension funds of the financial group "Future".
The non-state pension funds Future, Telecom-Union, Education and Social Development (part of the Future Financial Group), as well as their managing company Concord Asset Management, filed a lawsuit against Promsvyazkapital Dmitry Ananyev, former co-owner of Promsvyazbank. The lawsuit was filed on July 26, the amount is 3.9 billion rubles., Follows from the file of arbitration cases. The essence of claims in the materials of the court has not yet been indicated.

"Promsvyazkapital" is now in the process of liquidation. The representative of the company declined to comment. Vedomosti is awaiting comments from the APF representatives.

Pension funds FG "Future" are involved in other legal proceedings. In January, Promsvyazbank (undergoing a readjustment from December last year) filed a lawsuit against APF "Future", "Safmar" and "Doverie" and their management companies demanding that the sale of shares by the funds be invalidated on the eve of the bank's sanation. Promsvyazbank also demanded that the court put a ban on open deposits in it Concord Asset Management for 12.45 billion rubles. Together, the funds owned a package of just over 20% of Promsvyazbank. Papers from them bought Promsvyazkapital on Promsvyazbank's money, followed from the suit of the latter.

 On December 14, the company managing the assets of several APFs sold the shares of the bank and on the same day posted several deposits in Promsvyazbank for a period of one week, the statement of the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev said. "To cover up the manipulation of the purchase and sale transactions, the shares were exchanged through the exchange. Exactly one week later, the NPF CC appealed to the temporary administration of the bank demanding to return deposits placed on December 14, "he said.

"Concord asset management" in March filed a lawsuit against Promsvyazbank in the amount of 13.8 billion rubles. NPF "Future", "Education", NPF "Telecom-Union" and "Social Development" were specified in the suit by third parties. The management company demanded to invalidate the transactions on placement of APF funds for deposits in Promsvyazbank. The Moscow Arbitration Court postponed the proceedings on the suit until 30 August.