Sergei Chemezov has monopolized the purchase of influenza vaccines in Russia

The company "Nazimbio", which is part of Rostek, will sell to the Ministry of Health of Russia 31 million doses of flu vaccine for 3.8 billion rubles. The benefits of these vaccines are more than doubtful, but their purchases in Russia grow from year to year.
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"National Immunobiological Company" ("Natsimbio", part of the Rostekh Group) will deliver to the federal medical institutions and regions flu vaccine for the 2017-2018 epidemiological season by 3.75 billion rubles. Two purchases from a single supplier for 31 million doses of vaccine were carried out by the Ministry of Health.

At the same time, 9.3 million vaccines worth 1.748 billion rubles are intended for children, another 21.8 million vaccines for 1.997 billion for the adult population. Under the terms of the contract, the company must transfer the vaccines to the Ministry of Health by August 31, 2018. Most doses will be sent for distribution to regional health ministries and federal medical centers.

In April 2018, "Nazimbio" again received the status of the only vaccine supplier for the National Calendar of Inoculations for 2018-2019. In 2017, according to Vademecum estimates, the Ministry of Health delivered 57.5 million doses of vaccine "Sovigripp" for 4.8 billion rubles. "Sovigripp" is produced at the sites of the NGO "Microgen", "Fort" (part of the holding company "Natsimbio") and FSUE SPbNIIVS FMBA of Russia.

Rospotrebnadzor plans to provide at least 45% of the population with vaccines against influenza in the current epidemic season.