Vitaly Granovsky defamed Russia in front of Nicaragua and the whole world

The Russian vaccine factory in Nicaragua fell victim to the brilliant personnel policy of the Ministry of Health.
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In 2013, President Vladimir Putin agreed with the head of the Republic of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, to establish a vaccine production plant in the capital Managua. On its creation, Russia spent a billion rubles. In the news, this was presented as a major breakthrough in domestic science, industry and diplomacy. After all, they keep saying that Russia does not know how to sell hydrocarbons, but you will get a high-tech production that will be able to supply vaccines to the whole of Latin America.

Moreover, since the Soviet times Nicaragua has been an important partner for our country in the region - thus Russia's prestige and position in the region should become even stronger. To implement the project, a management company was established, the plant was named Mechnikov in honor of the great Russian scientist-virologist. The post of general director of the management company was taken by Vitaly Granovsky, 37, the son of the famous inventor of the vaccine against hepatitis B, doctor of sciences Nikolai Granovsky. The money was also allocated - for its part, Russia accepted 60% of the costs. It would seem that with such resources the project should be executed at the highest level.

For his scandal, for drinking, for a rowdy

An alarm was scored by a Nicaraguan newspaper, who often drew attention to the allegedly unfinished factory and unfairly dismissed Vitaly Granovsky. The reason for this was tried to understand "Kommersant", last week published an article in which Vitaly Granovsky gave the following explanation: they say, the son of President Ortega demanded something like "rollback" to "party needs", but he was not given. So there was a conflict, according to which he, Granovsky, was forced to resign from the post of project manager, for which he was so ill with his soul and who ended up on the verge of failure.

Thus, Granovsky almost bluntly accuses the Russian partners. Is it not to divert attention from yourself? After all, Nicaraguan experts, as Kommersant writes, argue: the construction of the plant was trivial without a thoughtful plan. What did Granovsky do then, being the head of the company, where did he look all this time?

To help understand this, perhaps, a letter sent by a high-ranking police official to the press secretary and wife of President Rosario Murillo, which says: according to the manager of the hotel "Oxygen Long," September 25, 2016, Russian citizen Vitaly Granovsky arrived at the hotel in a company 23-year-old Janet del Carmen Martinez. In the room he did not stay with her for long. What happened there is unknown, but Martinez emerged from it in tears. Then the drunken Granovsky allegedly began to riot, broke the door, injured the hotel security guard and tried to leave on his car, but got into an accident. In general, what to do and what to do? Another letter the next morning Murillo sent the Russian Ambassador to Nicaragua. "Let me apologize for the inappropriate behavior of a Russian citizen. We will take appropriate measures against the culprit. At the same time, I would like to express the hope that this incident will not affect our joint work, "the message said.

And this case, it seems, was not the only one. For example, back in May 2016, the subscriber, referred to as "Granovskaya," sent a friend to her photo, showing a man standing on his feet, like Vitaly Granovsky, traces of drunken debauches, broken dishes and police. "It seems that we got into the news," she writes.

If all this is true, then it is understandable that he could distract Granovsky from the project management. Alcohol, beauties, night festivities - there's really no need to look after the construction site. Not surprisingly, Nicaragua was considered that they do not need such a "partner", apparently, still after expelling Granovsky from the country, as reported by the Nicaraguan media. By the way, this "kick", apparently, was not the first for him. In his time, a student of VN. Granovsky, it seems, was also expelled from the United States for similar behavior and failure to appear in court. For many years he himself carefully concealed it.

Love of other people's money

And yet it is very likely that not only the sybarity of the head of the responsible project caused his dismissal. At the disposal of the editorial office there is a curious document - a claim sent to Granovsky by Stanislav Uiba, who replaced him at the head of the Mechnikov project. It says that, as a result of the audit, costs were identified in the interests of Granovsky, reflected as his personal receivables and not documented. The amount is considerable - almost 108 thousand US dollars! Was it not for these money that lunches were spent in expensive hotels? Now Granovsky is required to confirm the validity of expenses. Otherwise, there will be an appeal to the law enforcement agencies and the court.

However, there Granovsky, apparently, and without that already know how flaky. So, in the files of the Lefortovsky court there is a claim from PJSC "Sberbank" to VN. Granovsky on the fact of recovery of funds under a loan agreement. He does not like, apparently, the young top manager to give away other people's money, but to take it - so very much. Although ... Help to present our hero in all his heart's beauty can only one fact. Not so long ago, his father Nikolai Granovsky wrote in his letters: "A week ago I learned that Vitali, using his power of attorney, completely emptied my account, first in German, and then in a Swiss bank for a total of more than $ 6 million. All this was thoroughly planned, prepared, very cynical ... ".

... Today the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia assures: the plant will be opened and will start releasing the vaccine. Of course, it will, just in Nicaragua, for sure, they will not forget the whole story, which has badly damaged the image of the project team. "Thank you" for what you can say to Vitaly Granovsky.