Real incomes of Russian doctors were 2 times lower than official ones

The average salary of physicians in Russia, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, is 53 thousand rubles. However, only 8% of doctors receive more than 50 thousand rubles.
Only 8% of doctors earn at least 50 thousand rubles, and more than half of doctors (58%) receive up to 25 thousand rubles a month in terms of one rate, showed a poll conducted by the independent monitoring fund "Health". This contradicts the official data of Rosstat, which the Ministry of Health refers to, according to which the average salary of doctors in the country exceeds 53 thousand rubles.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service for January-September of 2017, the average salary of Russian doctors was 53.1 thousand rubles, and the average of medical personnel - 29.2 thousand rubles. However, according to a survey of the Health Foundation, only 8% of doctors receive salaries over 50 thousand rubles.

The real situation, according to the survey data, is as follows: 58% of doctors working for one rate earn less than 25 thousand rubles, and more than a third of them (21% of the total number of respondents) - less than 15 thousand rubles a month. A survey of the average medical staff showed that three quarters of them (79%) earn up to 25 thousand rubles per rate and only 6% - above 35 thousand rubles. More than half (55%) of them work for more than one bet.

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"Since our previous survey, which we conducted in February, there has been a slight increase in figures on wages, but the discrepancy between the survey results and official data remains huge. It can be assumed that the reason for this remains a high intercountry ratio among health workers. According to our survey, more than half (58%) of doctors work for more than one bet, and every tenth (11%) - even for two bids, "said the director of the Health Foundation, member of the Central Staff of the ONF Eduard Gavrilov.

According to him, only 17% of respondents (both doctors and nurses) noted a salary increase in 2017. 20%, on the contrary, reported a decrease in wages. Almost two thirds (63%) reported that their salary level had not changed during the year, and every second of them complained of a decrease in purchasing power.

"The authors of the survey also touched on the topic of timely payment of salaries to health workers. As it turned out, the situation since February of this year has become better, but still the problem has not outlived itself. In cases of delayed wages for more than a month, only 5% of respondents complained, another 11% noted that they were detained for less than a month, "the poll's authors noted.

These data are consistent with the findings of another survey conducted by the community of Doctors of the Russian Federation. According to their data, the average salary of a Russian doctor in terms of one bid and excluding podrubotkov is 26.3 thousand rubles.

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According to the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation, in 2017 the salaries of doctors were to increase first by 7.5%, then, before October 1, to 180% of the average for the region. According to Putin, by early 2018, doctors' salaries should be 200% of the national average, and junior and medium-sized personnel - 100%. In Karelia, for example, have already announced a shortage of funds to raise salaries for doctors in 2017. In this regard, the region's authorities turned to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the Russian Finance Ministry for help.

They doubt the achievement of targets for increasing salaries for doctors in 2018 and in the Accounting Chamber - the auditors believe that the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FSFM) overestimates the expected incomes and underestimates the expenses, as a result of which in 2018 doctors may not be able to pay salaries for 43, 1 billion rubles. However, in the FFOMS itself they insist that the May decrees of Putin regarding the increase of salaries for physicians will be fulfilled.

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